Scientific explaination of the Targeted Individuals Syndromes below these theories is the neurological drug production.
The neurological communication form
The Targeted Individuals call it Voice 2 Skull or Gangstalking because there are always multiple A.I. profiles. Voice to Skull is the wireless Brain to Brain communication they dont use BCI or EEG.
To all victims, have a look at Google Scolar, NIH, researchGate, and scientific researches.
First things first, im writing this all under the actice and focused to writing attacks of the neuroscientific mass destruction weapon. Sorry but I can´t do it better.
It attacks memory, syntax, linguistic, thaughts injections, communication screaming, brain freezes, thaught speed reduction, suconsciousness injections.
The following is a real-life explaination and an insight for scientists what is being practiced to us.
Real-life experiences and combinations, but also the weapon functions being practiced, introduction. Below that is a link summation to scientific researches (in progress) and a theory of wireless neurological transmissions, based on experiences. But also the new type of energy "Time Energy" from the "Time Energy Lab" in Austria. This energy can transmit biological informations wireless/remote as the scientist said. Please have a look at the theroies, the link is also there.
Theory 1 "Time Energy" from the "Time Energy Lab" in Austria.
This energy is a transmitting energy that uses als the giological field. It works like this, you take a "tesla coil", a small one. On the top is aluminium foil and only the energy will be plugged to it. You can also directly olug the energy to a foil without the negative pole. This energy is wireless. It makes a diode circle light when you touch the foil but the special and important thing is, if you put a glass of water near it the diode will light up when it gets in touch with the water in a cup. Like the human body contains mostly out of water. This energy is wireless over distances and transmitts the wole biofield. The closer you hold the diode between those two spots connected to it, it will light up stronger and brighter held in your fingers without contact. Contact makes it light brighter. The scientist said it takes every thaught while it passes through the biofield. It works with simple aluminium foil and energy thats all. It is a simple technology and would explain why this neurological attacks go to 1963, where I have found the first victim, but it probably goes way farther into the past. You can find his explaination of the energy in a TikTok video and is called "Time Energy Lab" He says it is usable for material and biological infomations. He is sad about it that noone is interested into his researches. He mensioned it is a new way of thinking about the reality and it is a tragedy.
Link to his site:
Theory 2 of the transmission of the neurological signalinformation.
(Real-Life experince based)
The theory is based on D.A.R.P.A.s Wireless Power Technology.
This theory is based on electromagnetic waves and inductive charge, but also the ionisation of the environment. Im suspecting the wireless power technology to create a small sphere, because of different resons. The transmission is probably a mixture of the whole communication network. This sphere can be set into the brain or whole body to charge the whole nervous system and simulanious soak all energy from the whole nervous system. Like energy sent from ground, to drone, to drone, to ground. An induktive charge is createable and soakable in a really small circle. This technology can charge a flying drone in the air and this drone can pass this energy to another one. The drone is like a battery which can be charged and discharged. In a brain, the whole signalinformation would be soaked too. The location to the energy of our brains can be spottet too. The combination of an A.I. that decrypts the whole neurology is a whole life decription, the location can be adjusted in real-time to the sphere. The signalinformation sent to the whole body can be a "Human Body Batery Signal". A whole Body stimulation signal to create a stronger electroneurological signal to the brain can be created. All pain and emotions are adjustable. A whole body information, a neurological zero information, just to produce a biological charge can be sent in summation to the Power technology. The Body would be charged through bioelectricity, technologically and can be soaked through this technology at the same time. I get strong electrical hits at the GYM every 1-2 second and it is adjustable, if I recognize it goes up to 10-20 sec. 50 times in a row or even more, depending on what they send. This electrical charge affects other victims too. But a charge of this high concentration is not nessasary. This is documentated too. The hair of my arm is rising when I come close to metal. It can be also be controlled in tiny amounts, mesureing tools from victims are getting corrupted through this technology too. Adjustments to behavior and communcation forms but also impacts to computers reqire a controllable strenght. The communication is still active when the instrument shows "0". Victims often feel vibrations, but the signalinformation for feelable vibrations are not nessasary, the brain and body will react to it without the feelable vibration signalinformation to create a bioelectrical signal of the whole body to the brain (The body information can also be a emotion). An elecric charge would appear and is soakable with all neurological brain and body informations. The human body would charge itself like a battery, against the will. The additional charge is to increase the intensity of this weapon. Usually there is no recognizable charge for me. This charge can be infused and also reduced, if im willing to test something. In the GYM it is only combined to a certain workout (walking), but crossfit and all other workouts are not affected. Outside walking does not affect the charge in any direction. Sometimes metal contact outside reacts in an electrical hit too. But this is rare. Today as i went up the stairs in the GYM and suddenly touched the metal railing, i felt the charge jump over. It affects the whole body like my somach too. I have dust marks beside my computer and im suspecting it to be spheric and onion shaped. The dust is formed this way. But this sphere is also placeable and moveable at a certain spot like a brain or any spot in a three dimensional room, like a drone in the air. It is moveable, one victim could record such a sphere in the dark with a homecam. It was glowing and then it stopped at a certain spot. But my lights are also affected, they flick, the distance is about 1.5 meters and are being seperately affected. When i go to the bathromm its only there, if im in my living room is in the corridor, because the 8 small light bulbs in my living room had done this too and are all broken now (distance to each other = 15-20cm and broke one by one). My computer is broken too, and my reciever, also my television seems to die, it often makes a bang and switches off, like it had an error in strange colors. I have to unplug it from electricity to make it run in some cases. I suspect this inductive charge being produceable through all communication network forms in multilayer synchronity. One signal charges, one sends/is being soaked. An A.I. synchronizes the informations in synchronity. The synchronity of the communication network, allows to be hidden secretly. First I have suspected the magnetic field of the earth, and im still suspecting it has something to do with it, but this is another hypothesis. Some victims had held a mesureing instrument to their head and it reacted. This but this seems to be a obvious tactic to hide it. Because all victims with mesurement instruments are getting fooled. But the fact that it reacts in real-time shows the connection to it. This inductive Charge can also produce a static magnetic field which would produce onion shaped forms of dust. And soak it in a simmilar way like a vampire drone.
The explainantion of neurological drugs, medicine, syndrome creation and the influence on the personality.
The Targeted Individuals call it Voice to Skull (V2K) and Gangstalking. Because the neurological communication goes directly into the head, but it is adjustable in a three dimensional matix. The Communication and sounds are compareable to Dolby Neuronal and can occure from everywhere and everything. It can occure inside the head, inside the body, conected to sounds of the whole environment, from heaven or the planet. Mostly there are 4 A.I. Teaming profiles, regulary mixed betwen sexes. In regular cases 2 men 2 women. But also a "silent friend". The "silent friend" is an A.I. profile of the targeted person. It explains every detail of the person to make it more vulnarable. The science call this wireless Brain to Brain Technology or BCI and EEG Technology. There are probably even more subclasses. It happens against the will of the victim and has to be seen at least as brainhacking, such as Neuromarketing.
Every Injection into the brain has to be seen as a drug injection that deforms the personality and character.
Neuromarketing has to be seen as robbery under drug injections against the will to buy things, it is being forced to buy things, this is robbery.
First comes the wireless brainhacking. This is already the law breaking base to steal informations of all human beings. They have all E-Mails, all passwords, digitized the whole life, like sexual acts, child rape, all parents who looked at their children and children who looked at themselfes, all nuclear codes, all body informations which include the vegetative nervous system, all thaughts, imaginatons and dreams which are getting digituzed and erased. Everything can be asked to the own profile and it will answer them all secrets. This is important to attack perosonalized and for geopolitics but also against politics in combination with drug injections. One point is that every profile of its own can be simulatet to work for then and evolve or research innovative technologies, in a decades long simulation on coast of the owners experiences and education grade but also work experiences. This experiences can be brainhacked to humans from their country without even knowing, it feels like the own thaught. It is the biggest technology robbery of the globe. For people who don´t know how it feels like, it is like thinking and having a great idea, in my case it is recognizable, as one which is different of what I am and beyond what I would do, it is almost feelable. Same systematic in a case of politics with acception (without knowing it is not recognizable, and in synchronity to the own profile changes). The acception is based on the drugs and injection to the subconsciousness and mindlayer profile of the active thinking process.
Explaination of my experiences with the wireless neurological drug injections, my experiences and those I have been told by other victims, to understand why it has to be seen as a drug:
To understand why it is a drug I need to explain how the bioneurological injections works like and how it has to be seen in comparison to a drug and a neuro toxin.
At first the weapon: It has to be seen in the functionality as under a microscope. A Syndrome is a combined application of various and endless in possibilities buildable variations, like the atoms or quarks of neurobiological singleinformations build together to a long molecule. Im explaining it in three cases.
Partial Project funtion descriptions are on the Military Site. Base functions are accuracy, repetation, area, frequency, surface of the body and a few more.
Case 1: Being happy. Being happy is a combination of the following, Emotion happyness and loose maybe naive, thaught friendly, feeling like being as free as with friends, focus on the friendly situations like enjoying being with friends, feeling free and accapted, feeling light, higher acceptance to make things or accept certain things, natural willing to be more extroverted, being a part of it and a few other things.
Syndrome combination: happyness, feeling light, thaught friendly and slightly faster, smooth focus, enjoyment, acceptance, extroverted, light naivity, warm feeling, environmental freedom. All imaginable human syndromes are rebuildable like, rage, angryness, acceptance, drug like status, medicational injection, hormonal and sexual control, also in dreams. Uncontrolled dreams to be forced to play the role like in a movie and it is repeatable every 5 minutes from the beginning.
Case 2: Being ill. It is regardless which cathegory you choose, weather psychological, biological, physical, neurological (facialis parese in my case), a virus, through the immunesytem, cell growth, biochemical disorders, blurry sight, body funtions, vegetative nervous system disorders like breath control or strokes and heart attacks (few hundreds). We take being ill like a virus:
Syndrome combination: Nose running, scratches in the throat, caugh, sweat, body heat, kybernetics weakens the body, stumbeling, swellings, causing the cell to reproduce a signalinformation of a virus, immune system weaken, thinking speed reduced, drug/medicine injection of blurry thaughts, pressure in the head, pain in synchronity to caughing inside the head, throat and lunges, slowing down the hearhbeat and vegetative nervous system and gut functions, emotion like feeling weakened, producing pus (can occure everywhere on and inside the body, i have scars of it, pictures in the dropbox), coldness and heat in combinations (in a movement from toe to leg or complete body), combinable in synchronity to all reinjections to existing illness, itchings, felling sleepy like anesthesial injections which are adjustable in micro percentages, at sleep the breath often stops or heart attacks and hard slime occure, making eyes bloody and swollen, body protein production raising, controlling the feeling to pee and go to the toilet, nausea, motion sickness through the kybernetics too. (Injected to the body and feeling of it).
Case 3: Being intelligent. This is also an A.I. profile mindlayer injection, but in my case im getting neurological memory erased.
Mindlayer injection, because every layer of the mind can be injected seperately, like active thinking, subconsciousness, dream layer (important for dream communication at day and night because people dont wake up like through the signalinformation of the ear, feelings are in synchronity to both, also the kybernetics, on anesthesia blocking movement) and so on, digitized in a human to human monitoring and displaying on devices in a three dimensional environment, in real-time.
Syndrome combination: Syntax extension, word combination extension, linguistic combinations are more variable, the bubble of the at this moment known data extends, thinking speed slightly slower but in some cases faster (fast thinking at a speed of 200%-300% is not intelligent because words and combinations are not overthaught), the value of information is easier to storage, almost visible imagination and moveable, speech (im getting erased i dont know this word anymore), no surpression of mind and thaughts, multitasking allowed (if not it is like "being Joed"), mindlayer smooth, emotion rested, IQ (my mechanic IQ 126-129) is not raised its more like have a mind connection to Google but not to all informations in my case (if it is gone the informations are gone too), emotion like soaked in intelligent thaughts or intelligent data like documentations in my case, the availibility of informations is fluent not slowed down like having a latency(the high responce milisecond time is a threat, because the injection will be less recognizable and ideas might not be yours), feeling like everything is normal and always overthinking but also balanced (depending also from individual to individual), connection to learned things on demand, kybernetics often slower to overthink the environment, high focus but not too high (a too high focus can cause to get lost in a thaught), erasing active memory is deactivated and a thaught can be also overthaught with a break (For me it is nessasary to make documentaions on MP3s in the second I have the thaught)(erasing thaughts is like remembering that you have forgotten something that you know it was there, but in the second you have thaught it, it is active to a single word or whole sentences like erasing something in a in a WORD document of your own A.I. profile in synchronity to your own brain data). It is the destabilisation of countries and the whole world to be colonialized and mind slaved in intelligence and behaviour, it is a deformation of the human personality, you are. It is cognitive murder. Erased memories are also the ones from your family members who died. Do you know the sentence "I don´t even remember anymore how she looked like". Or deforming those in an A.I. simulation of your restored bioneurological data, the memories then are like "I had in mind that it was a little different". Inteligence is a summation of the allowed combinations and neurological surpression mode.
Drug and medicine explainations, every single part of this technology is like a neuro toxin drug injection.
Drugs in this particular way, have also to be seen like under a microscope, to understsand the drug injections and the mind, but also character and personality changes like through drugs and medicine abusement. Every single injection of the following explaination is a significant change to the personality. They don´t need to be mixed to a drug or medicine abusement syndrome. Every single one is a change to the personality, that is irreparable and lasts forever. Also the Neuromarketing, which is to force someone to something on drugs against the will. It can also be Viagra for men and women in a injection of 100 pills, while being drugged or under amnesia. Imagine men with the endless urge of 100 Viagra pills and their control over all hormones, but also the emotions. That is what they do, to woman too. It´s rape.
Explaination of drugs: (that doesn´t mean i have taken those). Drugs need to be seperated from the syndrome they provoke into the same small parts as above.
Like methality, thaughts, kybernetics, emotions, feelings, sight, sounds, mood, behavior, focus, sleep wake regulation, mind layers, the easiest way to have this part of a weapon is to digitize humans on drugs or medicine and inject the synchronity. Also those who have taken a hand full of pills where my A.I. Teaming always says "We have never charged someone for dying while being asleep, with a hand full of pills". (Neurological communication might been a fail for them). Btw its the decrypted thaught of the active thinking through an A.I. into the speech signalinformation of the ear or dreams (In their case the subconscousness is seperated in mine its not, hidden behind 4 A.I. drones and one of myself, forcing me to hear explaining them my life in every detail, in sound, view, emotions and combinations to memories up to childhood).
Cocaine: Thinking speed increased, increased focus swapping in connection to the view, will, and kybernetic forcement. Kybernetics is extremly increased (It is like an exoskeletton, every movement is eazed while the battery is full and combined to an automated lane departure warning, to sight and sound), thaughts jumping and being unregulary structured, emotions like in a hyperrealistic point of view (this is a strong weapon, makes you loose your normal point of view, i don´t like that hyperrealism feeling), feelings oversteered like a overdose conviction, sight is like a little zoomed, sounds combined to focus, wake regulation oversteered, behavior emotionless or choleric in convincement, mind layer 200% speed (i dont know what syntax or word pool, but interrests change), and many more.
Marihuana: (Im on that all the time, not the drug but the injection, to avoid writing and actions, might be also a mix) Everything is funny, laughter is combined to kybernetic face muscle control, (Communication simulation of the A.I. is synchronized to a funny answers, and if they laugh i have to do it too), motivation is almost not available, mind layers vary (childish, funny, emotional, like a white rapper (laughter is combined to that, laughter is a extremly strong weapon, it lets the woman go with you in a bar, and it makes a carelessness convinced emotion. Imagine a patient in psychiatry who is laughing all the time or you beside your family), abortion of every thaugt of the subconsciousness which might be worthfull with erase active memory, feeling sleepy, focus lowered, behaviour introverted and emotionless or careless, mood is not in the mood, sound focus with smooth feeling, eyes getting red and dry, sight is blurried, feeling chilled, kybernetic is also slowed down in movement (this affects also the way you move, I have tried also to walk like others, I admit also like different A.I. Teaming women, it was funny just to know, one was a little more straight than the other. Like chest out, hip movement, head up, the other was walking smoother, but they can make you walk crooked and produce symptomes for the future).
Alcohol: (Alcohol can be negated, to avoid the rush, but it can also be oversteered. Erase active memory...) Kybernetics makes you tumble like on a ship, everyone knows how it feels like to be on alcohol. analyse it that way. Like saying stupid things, they can inject words to your speech automated, like on my MP3s.
Anesthetics: Falling into sleep (with the feeling of falling like the point of the anestethics start to switch between consciousness and sleep), victims felt asleep while driving a car. It is murder of time, and I mean murder to force to fall asleep and waste lifetime. Endless tiredness, feeling groggy, thaught speed slowed, feeling immense gravity, not able to wake up until they let you, (combined with the worst dreams and sleep regulation, dreaming without memories, just the part they let you in the most cases, people can work in dreams for them or the brain can calculate like a hybrid Quantum of cores. Subconcouseness nerver forgets an algorhythm or it can be work based on experiences), dreams create the emotion and hormone status for the day, combined to the injection of a couch or bed to fall asleep, mind surpression, thinking unavailability, feeling like you were working for the last month, controlling the time where you are awake or asleep, often combined to places, and many more. Compareable to narcolepsy.
Multi Tasking: Multitasking can be allowed or denied. This changes the mind into a lowered thinking range. It is compareable to President Biden. Often combined with explained marihuana symptomes. When you´re in a supermarket and have the thaught of getting coffee. And the thaught appears to get bread, which is one way earlier to the right, then active erase memory instantly erases coffee and you walk right to bread. Forgetting about coffee. In Neuromarketing it is like going to a shop and you are willing to buy cigarette filters and you have papers. Then they erase filter and you buy papers, which you already had (happend to me). It is like stealing money under the influence of drugs and the control of memories. If you buy certain products that are more expensive which you don´t need, it´s robbery. And it´s a destabilisation of finances. Destabilisation of finances, is a main attack point of this weapon, it takes the possibility to fight back. Setting people on drugs is no difference to rob someone with a gun. It the destabilisation of a countrys GDP to another.
Kybernetics: If you walk fast or slow changes the preception (Im not sure weather to classify it as a drug or psychological pharmaceutical drug). The preception of the world changes, so does the personality. But it is also extremly dangerous in front of crossroads, train stations, stairs, icy ground. If you are focused, your upper body moves in all directions to have a look in front of crossroads. If you have control of it you can think "faster, faster, faster, stop". Move in circles, if you walk and let loose on control and walk into a lantern your whole body moves around it. I have complained that 50cm distances to the environment is too much and it has been changed to 30cm. Thats better. I have tested it in a forrest, in a outdoor pathway. Jumps across things and taking the best way in speed and pathway correction was really good. (If someone wants to know why I am able to do this in my personalized A.I. bubble, I have to answer "I don´t know"). It´s good for old people, combined with oxygen regulation, without its dangerous too. Directions can be set by the owner through the feeling to walk a certain path and the hypnotical magntism into a direction. It also makes twitches which occure while the subconsciousness reaches the spot to fall asleep. Twitches can be immense, like hitting someone. And many more. Sometimes my exoskeletton is charged, sometimes I have to carry that metal with me. Feels like being pushed or backwind.
Erase active memories: (Can be seen as a traumatical psychology drug injection or Alzheimer and demecy) As I told bevore its based on words, memories, actions, sucosciousness, active thinking, imagination, sounds, taste, sight, smell, feelings or emotions surpression, combined to my A.I. Teamings speech, it changes the personality, the ability to work in your job, erases educations, changes behaviour, it is cognitive murder. It feels like it works in a bubble status. The active memory you have now, is not combined to the memories you had 20 years ago, so they can erase from back to today(It is working on the knowledge you have right now in you memory, I call it real-time memory). But also in dreams, while asleep can memories be analysed and specifically erased, so they wont appear anymore. The current informations can be also instantly erased, so they wont occure for long lasting time or will not be saved. Thaughts are getting aborted or distracted in various ways and instantly erased like through, a sound, pain, itching, a thaught, a focus on something, twitches, vibrations, heartbeats or pulse, teeth pain, insect feeling on your skin or in your nose or ear, cold feeling, a smell, something inside your eyes, snizzing, caughing, in an active communication form the communication itself, drugs, medicine, touch on your skin (everywhere), feelings, urge to eat or drink, urge itself combined to everything, the unfeedable feeling of not being satisfied in all combinations like cigarettes or everything else (im swapping to my E-Cigarette without nicotine, because nicotine makes no sence in this particular situation), xxx (erase active memory)(remembered, combined to softdrinks like Coca Cola) in Neuromarketing its a health destruction, and many more.
Shock: It´s a mind prison. In combination a cognitive concentration camp (Zyklon-C³).
Its like the soldier on the battleground, who hast los his arm and is searching it in a drug like status, while the bullets fly aound him and explosions detonate. Smiling when he had found his arm and going slowly to his screaming friends. This stance is one of those from my torture diary at the beginning. But it is also compareable to be invicted to an accident or suddenly seeing one dramatic scene in real-life. This feeling is being used to abort things. Suddenly it is like a stop and go combined to their will. Sometimes combined with urges sometimes with fear, sometimes without anything suspectable. Holding this status in combination of anesthetics, day and night. It is probably also compareable to a overdose of pills. And often combined to mind and thaught surpression, with automated A.I. stories and a imagination injection of combined storytelling. It is murder. Not cognitive murder, it is murder. Murder has also be counted in lifetime. It´s wireless Guantanamo Bay in combination of with something that I have called in the beginning of my torture diaries "TNLSD-N" (Technological Neurological LSD - Narkosemittel (Anesthetics)). This A.I. has green light to steal every second of your life, every second and every cent is precious for the A.I. and the operators behind it.
Opinions: Opinions are forced injections, it changes the preception and the path of your life. It makes wars, terrorism, destabilisations, mass hysteria, it forms camps on one site and the other, It takes lifes while the owners of this A.I. are safe, it destabilizes countries, continents and the globe. In financial ways, political ways, and in every other where the finger of death has occured. Opinions are combined to a speecher, so that the listeners will accept. It is lika a magnet, one soaks the opinion of the others. It can be combined to television, radio or the thaught to someone or something. It seperates families, often with agression or mass hysteria combination, but it can also be combined to everything they want. Such as in a bar for someone behind the A.I. can make a woman in a bar look at him and smile. The same can be combined to soldiers of their own who have conquered a country as a reward. Or to the opposition party soldiers to make them commit War Crimes and point the finger at them. Make one Army flee in panic, or certain percentages of the population who are in the duty. This can be pointed at others, the victim will never be suspected. But with the knowledge of this technology and knowing the most commited tactic is the obvious tactic, because noone knows this technology, they can use a dirty strategy and attack themselfes to drop the guilt at others. Like the victims of this torture, to hide the A.I. behind the obvious tactic and being able to set a start for the war of cover up on their own. The victims are getting enriched through torture like a nuclear weapon, they search for "Energy Weapons". Like the Embassys where combined to and everyones opinion will point at Russia. While the victims are complaining to D.A.R.P.A. for several decades and the services of the U.S. suspected in 96 countries and 1500 victims in 10 years investigations the following, mass hysteria, AC´s, and computer mice. Opinions are bendable and formable but also forceable with this technology. The human is getting enriched through this technology until the ammunition becomes one out of flesh and blood. Who is responseable for the dead soldier on the battleground, who has been enraged to run into the crossfire. I deny free will through this death, through suizide murder, terrorism forming, forming to a murderer. (This is what a rage injection does, read it from the beginning and have a look at the change). My torture diary is written under the influences of this technology, Co-Autor U.S. Neuro Strike and the operators behind the A.I..
Prof. Dr. Eric Karlstrom Website (Scientific Collection of whistleblowers and more)
The neurological communication and transmission
Field recordings of transcranial magnetic stimulation in human brain postmortem models, and electrode-based
(must be seen in combination with D.A.R.P.A.s Wireless Energy Power Project, link is on the military site)
The magnetic field communication beween two brains
Brain to Brain interface technology
Direct Brain 2 Brain communication from India to France with speech (2014)
Brain to Brain wireless communication
Brain-to-Brain Communication Based on Wireless Technologies: Actual and Future Perspectives
Quantum magnetic field sensors to read out the magnetic field of the brain
Brain recording technology (was 1875 working on rats)
Local recording of biological magnetic fields using Giant Magneto Resistance-based micro-probes
Using eye-tracking technology in Neuromarketing
(recording sight, everything is visible, no privacy, they need to be charged, they spy on naked children and while having sex and force to)
All Companies who use behavior changes in marketing
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