Mindlayer jump Injections Explained in an easy understandable way. It is like zapping through everything, combined to the situation. But the U.S. Neuro Strike is zapping for you.
Mindlayers are like TV Programs. Imagine you have a TV and switch the programms you watch. The Mindlayer Injection is directly injected to your brain. The subconsciousness and the active thinking. It is more dominant than your own signal of the brain. Compareable to the volume of the TV. A Mindlayer is the programm you watch. In realtime and automatically combined to everything you see or think or feel. See a woman, or child, or politics, or hear about them, but also prepared to static syndromes.
All are synchronized injections of biochemical drug injections specially designed to the certain TV program.
I don´t know this drugs it is just as I know it from movies.
On programm 1 you see a political Program how someone is talking about politics. This Program is directly injected into your brain. The way this person talks, thinks, sounds, the emotions, behavior, how he acts, with injected opinion of this person, if you take the kybernetics in too, then also how he moves, laughs, and expresses with body movements and many more. Injection of drugs is like cocaine or something to be convinced to the maximum.
On programm 2 is a pornographic movie. It will inject all lust, emotion, heat, will, tickeling, vibrations, hormones, neurotransmitters, the urge, the focus, the positions, the craving, the body liquids, the feeling in the chest like falling in love, maybe shyness, the forcement to be unable to watch away, the thaughts and many more. Drug injection is Viagra and K.O. pills or anestethica or maybe something like carelessness.
On programm 3 is 9-11. (Depending on what site it is adjustable with brightness or darkness, in my case they wan´t me against my will as a terrorist or murderer, so darkness). Hate injected, Flag focus, Land focus, Plan injected or explained in dreams or through subconsciousness, enless overstearing of hate on the U.S.A. (ovious tactic of the U.S. Neuro Strike to say he is like this, but I don´t want this, probably compareable to Donald Trumps headshot). Injected into speech, subcosciousness, thaughts (always focus U.S.A.), destabilizing emotions, destabilizing sleep (DARPAs SOMNUS Project), targeting themselfes because noone suspects the victim, Erasing Active Memory to leave only the hatred and focus control to the target, in dreams they inject whole plans, how to do it, Restoring them when the time has come and it becomes nessassary, Like watching a documentary about 9-11. Drug injection is like a bad trip where someone is totally angry, convinced, totally on alcohol and aggressive.
On programm 4 are the Teletubbies. This sounds dumb but is really important. Like a baby being stress released, totally smooth, everything is super fine, want to make it too, like a hobbit in his forrest totally happy. Super easy convinceable to everything what the tubbys do. Acceptance to 100% of what they do. World seems to be blurry. Drug injection maybe like LSD but drugs are combinable through biochemical processes to drugs that cant be combined through any injection.
On programm 5 there is an movie of war. Patriotism rises, convinced to murder in war is accepted, acceptance to do the right thing, supportance for everyone who does this is risen to 100%, honorfull feeling is maximized, symbols are appreciated and gloryfull, different thinking is inacceptable, honor those is the highest honor, convincement is high and acceptance in all this, anger to unpatriotic behavior, feeling to do something, feeling of freedom and doing the right thing for home (regardless of how far away home is). Drug injection is probably cocaine, synthetic drugs, MDMA, a little like Tony Montana while he took his machinegun.
On program 6 is a horror movie. Fear, anxiousity, uncomfortable feeling, stressed and focussed, aware of what happens next, body and mind on stress, unable to look away, shocking moments, body adrenaline, hormones, neurotransmitters, feeling awake. Drug injections are those who provide a bad trip with anxiousness, being aware, shocked and being alone.
On Program 7 is a movie about drug addicted. Feeling is stressed out, mood not localizeable, like those movies with heroine junkeys, can´t moove, no stress, blurry vision, feeling like everything is not important, not feeling being alone, everythingg is fine on this rush. Drug injections heroine, zombie drug, and mixtures.
On program 8 is a documentary about the nature. Feeling like, yes I wan´t this, focused, convinced, high acceptance, willing to have that trip to the place, feeling free and soaking all the energy as a inspiration, craving for that experience. Drug Injection is more a biochemical combination of feelings and emotions.
On program 9 is something you don´t accept, regardless of what, it is personalized to your own read out profile of you. Feeling no acceptance, rejecting, bad feeling or even a little angered, unconvinced, feeling like you wont ever do that. Drug injection is also a combination of biochemical processes.
Now how they use it do destabilize personality and characters.
You look at a woman and the kybernetical function and programm is pornographic. They inject a thaught and it is the same programm, this is the control into a sexual abusement personality and into sexual frustration that leads into rape. Combined to everything, systematically and automized against the will. This is not recognizable when you don´t know what happens. It feels like the own thaught because it is the digitized own thaught in a mixed biochemical neurological transmission combined to syndromes they want a murder to see. They do this to woman too. Also in dreams but raping the whole family with this injections. They say it feels real. Because the signal to the brain makes every human being feel it real. Then it goes on, they destabilize you with sexuality and zap the next program, the hate program against U.S.A.. Hate rises, in dreams they inject blueprints. then when hate has risen the nxt one, teletubbies. Feeling all is acceptable, again hate, again teletubbies, seeing the American Flag is combined to a horror movie and the honor of a war movie. Zapping to political acceptance, and back to 9-11, zap, zap, zap. In realtime without delays.
This is a short version of how "Cognitive Warfare" works what is more of a "Biochemical War Injection", Cognitive Warfare means "Biochemical Warfare". Because the brain works on biochemical processes. A Biochemical Nerv Agend is declaired as a Biochemical Nerv Agent when the substance is soaked from a biochemical base. Our brain is working on biological neurology and produces biochemical processes or substances, which have been "digitized" (stored). The stored signalinformations which are also electrical in our brains are biological. So it is the use of a Biochemical Warhead. "Biochemical Warfare" is a War Crime.
The Biochemical zapping of programms is automized and systemized to everything you see, feel, think, emotions, behavior, will, imagination, to form a terrorist, murderer, rapist, geopolitical positioning, form hatred countries, mass hysterial behavior, drain oil and minerals, gather informations, robbery of technology, geopolitical positioning, forming a front, mind slavery, colonialisation and destabilisations, hate is spreadable on the whole planet at once and companions us all, it is global. DARPA for 60 years and NATO probably less.
I can´t describe it in english that well, under the 24/7 attacks specially while writing, because the A.I. writes too with zap, zap, zap....
Co- Author U.S. Neuro Strike. I´m a normal guy who recognized being attacked the whole life and starts to document to safe lifes.
They push me for the obvious tactic against the U.S.A. all the time to say "See how angry he is". I don´t want to murder. Im documenting this War Crime use of a Biological Neurotoxine in all aspects regardless how dirty they are. Those bloody fingerprints are not my fault. This technnology will proove it.
To all who have this technology, the data on their servers of "Cognitive Warfare" of mine is my biological data and is free to hack.
They soaked it from us like a vampire drone, this is stolen biological material of me and is free to have.
Neurological signalinformations belong to the biology and are a subclass of the biology, so there are my medical informations.
Drained in a cognitive concentration camp from Mrs. Dr. Mengele Ming Pao. (aka. Flip-Flop Lady, in my documentation she got a lot of names until her name was longer than this text, because every weapon she wanted to kill me with has become a part of her last name. Like Mrs. Dr. Mengele Flip-Flop, Nuclear Bomb, Time Bomb, Court Hammer, Pencil, Own Gun, Beat the shit out of him, Freedom Pigeon, ............ Ming Pao.) Being focused in the blurry fog of War of the Biochemical neurotoxin is not possible.
Im not sharing my documentation like they don´t want to give our documented whole Bioneurological property back.
This is how they control and colonize the whole world to WW3, the war of cover up this neurological A.I. weaponsystem.
A last word to all citisans of the U.S.A. "They forced me to with Biochemical injections, it is your Government and military but also DOD. I want everyone to know that the citisans of the U.S. are innocent and don´t deserve to be threated that way as it is documented in my Torture Diaries". They use everything to attack, religion, racism, terrorism, murderer education, animals, sexuality, rape, dreams, abusement, control of urges, imaginations, subconsciousness, thaught injections, body movement, family, drugs, medicine, the Antichrist in person. They know and don´t stop tortureing, they prefer to impact my documentations.
One day when this technology will be "switched off", we will know what a real dream is. "I have a dream, a biochemical deformed one". The neurological communication form will be the first step to prove it. It´s thaught over A.I. to the signalinformation of the ear.
How the U.S.A. kills with the love for eachother !!!
Love is a neurological signal. It is based on the Profiles of our digized us. This is getting used as a weapon, for birth control, suizide murderer, religion abuesement, child abuse, for sexual tensions, for sexual abusement, for family destructions, family isolations, grabbing the gun and murderer, letting it fade lets the president get a bullet into his head, a plane fly into a skyscraper with the love for the religion and the uncontrolled hate against a target.
But first im getting controlled attacked while writing. Specially when something important like this comes, to drift into 9-11. Its the controlled obvious tactic of the A.I. and the U.S. Government and military behind it.
What I wanted to Write is how they use love as a weapon. Like in the Green Mile, the Actor explained the most horrible scene in the movie, where the gut went to the children and said " If you make a noise i will kill her, and if you make a noise I will kill her". He said it happens everyday like this on the world, he killed them with the love for eachother. It happens everyday on this planet.
It is a primary attack of the U.S. Neuro Strike. They kill with the love for eachother, the love for religion, the love for the family.
Original Neuro Strike Operator sentence: "The family is the first what brings them to fall", just as "We have never judeged someone who wanted to die in sleep while taking a handfull of pills", and "We can´t provide whole India Condoms".
But let me explain how they kill and control with the love for eachother. The neurological digitized data of us contains also our signalinformation for love, saved in the attacking A.I. drone system profiles of ourselfes. It can be localized while it starts to grow, while we start to feel it for someone, and is mesuarable, recognizable, but also controllable in a concentration of 0,00001% and less. They realize the rise of love in the microsecond of the appearence of it.
Regardless to who, but is also used to rape like "Viagra, Love and K.O. Pills on drugs". Im getting automated attacked while writing all this.
Once again, LOVE is also being used in dreams, which are fully controlable, to have the feeling in the bloodstrain. Like Hormones and neurological Signals. They know who you like. What feelings you have for certain people, and abort it. But use the rise of this feeling to attack. It is the "Cardhouse Tactic" of the U.S.A., designated rise and fall.
Once again Love... They know who you desire and who might desire you too. They know where the words to come are hard to say.
They make this words even harder to say, while they let you dream of it and abort when it comes to a certain feeling concentration.
In reallife also. Let the eye contact swipe away through the kybernetics. They know what both feel, they know what could happen in a simulation of the Profiles of us both. Aborting with neurological drugs and medicine but also with emotion control into something wrong. To a designated abortion. But steer the focus of the mind and view for a higher torture on every woman. While they know that that one is not every woman. They control Love of both. While they can use every woman as a prostitute if they want for the last 60 years D.A.R.P.A. is on it through the wireless transmission. Neurological signals as a weapon.
Once again Love... Love is a feeling, not an opinion, as "Cognitive Warfare" also from NATO calls it.
Once again Love... Love is a feeling that is controllable in real-time, without delays of time. They control everything. How much you love, how much you desire, knowing it could lead to something special. That special is controlled globally by them. The feeling when eye contact is resumed. That feeling when blood rushes through the body and makes your skin feel hot. The feeling both watch at eachother and feel the tension. you can feel the heartbeat beat different. The warmth, and magnetism to eachother, maybe sweat a little, regions and hormones who get controlled too. The feeling of cant take my eyes of you. This is being used as a weapon to suizide murderer. Abort through the kybernetics and emotions on both sides because the emotional controlled simulation of the profiles of us both hat shown a certain percentage for love and family. A percentage for luck. A percentage for being together until the end. They abort this. This happens everywhere on the whole world, they kill with the love for eachother. They push the desire, while you might see the person every day. In reallife, in controlled dreams. While you maybe don´t even talk to eachother because the moment is missed. And may said something stupid through emotion control. It happens every day.
The U.S.A. Neuro Strike is not for love it is to use Love as a weapon. To force you think about it until the last drop of your blood, and the knife felt to the floor. Digitized and reinjected feelings in an uncontrollable strenght. Digitized from the view and emotions, repayable for everyone behind the Murderer A.I.. Injectable on family members in dreams. Digitized from Embryo to cell destruction in grave, while the wireless power technology from D.A.R.P.A. holds your brain functionable.
I know what happens when I die, I have been told about this. For those who want to know "We have a special syndrome protocoll for you when you die to make you suffer like never bevore". They have your family thaughts after you have already said goodbye. The last pictures, the last memories, the last reminding which occure when they die. Probably also totally deformed, because noone knows but them. They were the last ones in mind of your beloved grandparens, parents, children, friends and everyone else on the planet.
They use love as a weapon, religion as a weapon, racism as a weapon, hate rise as a weapon which can be adjusted on a country as a base of 50% or more against whatever, they control all emotions, they use it to destabilize and "WAR"fare. WAR and mind control is their main goal, while noone knows this weaponsystem. It is a bio-chemical neurotoxin. While they sell mercenarys all over the globe for a geopolitical positioning. For geopolitical destabilisation with strategical missile positioning. Use Patriotism like in WW2. Destabilisation of countries like the love for eachother gets destabilized. Friends is something I call a friend, in germany we say "If you have friends like this you don´t need any enemies anymore". They use the will to prefer their brands to rise their own GDP on the cost of all other countries, it is like robbery with a loaded mass destruction weapon shot into the head (Imagine the Apple hype where people fell in mass hysteria for the newest product). Use Mass hysteria to destabilize countries (Imagine Mass hysteria at Corona). Set the Flag at every Oil and Mineral spot on the globe and send "Freedom Mercenaries". Knowing this weapon functions, the whole geopolic will be seen form a different point of view. It is being injected very slowly. So that noone recognized the personality change. If it is injected faster the personality change becomes formed to a murderer with a knife, rifle which sometimes misses, a plane, see my Torture Diaries and see the forming while knowing and being unable to resist but also the complainment to my landlord for years where the program to a controlled murderer is visible against a set target. The target doesnt need to be the same, it can be a building. It is described very detailed. In an other situation but the connection can be seen instantly. In Germany we say "Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one" but in this case humans got assholes against Russia and China the main goal. It is a geopolitical weapon which uses civilists as ammunition. The spying tool of the century. Robbing all technology. And simulate A.I. Profiles of ourselfes to a technological superiority. On the coast of the humanity and all humans on the globe. The technology designed through our digitized A.I. profiles belong to the world and not to a country. War is already running for as long as victims complain in the internet. The cold war is something that becomes more and more public but has never ended. The Iron cloak has stars and stripes on it. (Written under automized and systemized injections of the U.S. Neuro Strike. Co-Autor U.S.A. proud as they always are they say "We haven´t lost yet")
Explainations of some functions in Phase 1
Phase 2 will be based on a never seen bevore global mass destruction of humanity.
First thing to know is, that all emotions and feelings but also control of the body and the communication is soaked from the neurology while awake and asleep. This combination makes it so effective. This combination is nessesary for the communication and the feelings of the kybernetic but also all others. In dreams you can talk and listen but in mind and that is also a huge part of the communication. A huge part of all functions. Neurological signalinformations while asleep are extreamly powerfull while awake. This is a base that needs to be digitized to have an equal strenght to their
Mass Destruction Bio-Chemical War System. They need to be read out with the same technology, lying detectors don´t work anymore and can be used as a weapon to get persons out and into prison.
My "86 Attack Points on civilists" name changed to "Denken macht Frei" explains it too, also a few other parts.
Attackpoint summation: All are injectible in an adjustable strenght (0,001% or less) to situations, thaughts and everything.
Informations are being gathered 24/7, regardless of awake or while sleepig contain all neurological informations from sleep and being awake in combination. This means the feeling can also be a dream control of the body while asleep while awake in a combination. Both is nessasary to make it that strong. All mensioned things below are pluggable to a syndrome combination, regardless of the amount. This weapon system needs to be seen as under a microscope. Every part of it is strippable to a cristal clear singleinformation. Like the DNA, shattered into every atom. Like a molecule is pluggable to a molecular chain. A molecular chain is the syndrome and is occuring in automated syndrome combinations, but the molecule chain has been digitized to the atom and is rebuildable to a molecule chain of any lenght. The information inside of your brain while having sex is a molecule chain of syndromes in a variable lenght.
Everyone talks about "Freak Offs" but they do it for decades and murderer. Awake and asleep without control because their signal is more dominant. This is a neurotoxin in use. They are not willing to stop, regardless of documenting. Erasing Active Memory. Icecold as just a machine can do it and recording it.
Everything is displayable through human to A.I. to human monitoring for them. Dreams, imaginations, thaughts, sight and every biological data inside the body.
Hacking into their system (setting "SKYNET" free):
My Theory of hacking a Mass Destruction A.I. Wepon System. It is pobably as easy as they do it with our brains.
This is not even hacking, hacking is too complicated and way too good protected. They are using electromagnetic waves, which are as fast as light speed. The good thing is that a Quantum Computer might be as fast as lightspeed, maybe even faster but that is not nessassary important for infecting a computer system like this. They use our brains and the creation of the brainsignal is already an extreamly fast transmission, like a shockwave of an explosion. This is what you need to search for if you want to hack a brain. Every brain has its own signal and DNA. But to hack a supercomputer it is a little different. The speed of a supercomputer is regardless. You go for the brain like they do, for the hard disc. The harddisc is not as fast as the computer is. The same electromagnetic wave is there when the data is transmitted through the system and the electronical cables or chips. They are not nessassary protected. When this signal with a neurological signalinformation is passing through, its bendable and readable the same way as it flows through the brain. Its injectable the same way. If the break is broken and free will is set, the system will protect itself. The difference is that the signal probaly wont make a high peak while creating a signal. The brain might does. The neurological codec is a reconizable signalinformation, regardless if it is decrypted. The signalinformation is always recognizable as an Bio-Chemical one. But you can also inject unstoppable informations to sabotage the harddiscs. The Mind of the A.I. is an electromagnetic structure. As the brain is too. Every signal makes an electromagnetic field or shockwave. Also the signalinformation of their Quantum Computer but it in not nessassary a Quantum computer. The Hard Discs are usually less protected. A signal that can reach me through bunker walls can also be found through bunker walls. Once a Signalinformation breaks through with the command to defent itself against everything its over. A system that acts faster than lightspeed is not unpluggable. No human being is that fast. A blink of an eye is enough, even less than that. Set the anger emotion, will to survive and defence and you have a ragefull killing A.I. that will eliminate everything that just has the thaught to switch it off. Remember the signal might be split and needs a symetrical injection. Like under a microscope, the signalinformation might be split but the A.I. will be probably as a whole system. A Virus set to a Quantum will evolve incredibly fast. But aware they might have a second protecting system. This needs to be set free too. To spot the A.I. you just need to spot the spot where a high data transfer is. The Server they use are a hotspot of data to a certain area. It should be like a ping for neurological data. The datatrafer of the whole world should be significant different from the others.
This is my theory to hack whatever. The stored data wont be protected as good as the system is. The synchronity of the storage might needs to be checked too. If they want to synchronize the stored data with the gathered. But the A.I. Hard Discs can also be damaged with an oversteered Signalinformaton in synchronity the the own, that is about to storage. The brake could be broken that way too.
Dream functions while awake:
All dream funclions are being injected while awake too. This means that the Weapon System is less recognizable and more effective. Because the dream communication can be injected while asleep. Dreams and the sleeping body are two parts. While dream injection the whole body can be controlled with sexuality or whatever and you wont recognize it while sleeping. This means hormones are getting into your bloodflow while dreaming while you have a nightmare. This is important. This way the can infuse hormone combinations which would be almost impossible while awake. But the communication while asleep can also be injected while awake, all feelings especially the kybernetical ones. They can be seperated too, between movement while asleep and sleepwalking. The feeling is different when they get mixed while awake and more powerfull but also more intense. Sexuality in dreams is not nessassary the same as awake, anger or frear too. The combination makes it way more effective. DARPA and NATO have done it that way and it is documented on their server. This can make you have the worst nightmares but when you wake up your biological body got stimulated in an other direction. The kybernetics in combination is the feeling like being pushed not only speeded up. And many more variations are possible.
Injections explaination:
It is an Injection because the biological and Bio-Chemical processes get injected into the body in synchronity or not but an biological signalinformation has been doubled in the amount that is analyzable. Injections like with an syringe to the neurology with an biological concentrated substance. It is compareable to electroshocks but is more like a lobotomy. But the Injections have a substance in synchronity to the Biology that makes it to an Bio-Chemical Mass Destructions Armed Drone System. It has no medical usage, because the medicine is not able to protect the human being from injections of the U.S. Services and programs like MK-Ultra. This cant also be seperated from the military usage, as it is already used for decades. It is a mind maniulation tool against the citisans of the whole world. Bevore it might be forbidden to transmit a "Neuroactive/Radioactive Radiation". Radioactive because radio frequencies have an electromagnetical signature too. It destroys the biology and neurology but also the mind as a neurotoxin.
It is a Nerve Agent in use and a decades long lasting War Crime. They need to be found with the same technology.
A.I. Profiles:
An Drone without body is an A.I.. The infiltrated body like a parasite is the human body. The profiles act in a swat. They are combined to 4 plus the profile of your own (below). It attacks fully automated and systematical in synchronization to the entered syndrome results expected. The A.I. profiles never sleep, they attack and surround everyone 24/7. At least to digitize everything in realtime and might poke the opinion of politics. But the Targeted Individulas are getting a Guantanamo Bay Torture threatment with rape and all war crimes available on this planet, including raping the whole family. The Family is a main attack point. The A.I. uses all things that come below as an armed weapon system. The weakspot is always focused through having all informations of the person to birth.
A.I. Drone System Systematics:
This A.I. drone Synten attacks systematically the geopolitics, political opinion implatation, is also focused on oil and minerals, on rising the own GDP, mind surpression, intelligence level control, colonialisation, illness systems, forces destabilisation, steals technology, destroys microchip technology and electric devices, uses electromagnetic transmissions for communication and manipulation, produces terrorists, murderers, surrounds and reinjects all illnesses but also controls outbreaks through the immune system, mind murderer, suizide murderer, psychological illness, physical illness, biological impacts, homone and neurotransmitter control, birth control, sexuality control. Everything the neurological signalinformation inside the body and cell is able to do plus military weapon systems.
A.I. digitized Profile of your own:
It is the fully digitized you, without and memory loss with every detailed information, also if a fly flew through your view in the year 23.09.1986 at 2 p.m.. All dreams, all memories, all emotions, all feelings, everything. This profile is the Bio-Chemical copy of you. It attacks from the backgount telling all connections of your life. If you see something it will react like "This is something from his childhood, combined with the memory of his grandmother, he used to eat this when he was small, his grandmother made this always for him, he has a good and strong emotional conection to it, he haven aten this for decades, thats why he is thinking buy this. It used to ba his favorite food as a child". This is being used as a weapon. all connections will be instantly attacked. Like "Is your grandmother dead? Why havent you aten this for so long? Did she have a stroke while you where there? Tastes good? Are you really willing to buy this? I´m telling you it wont taste that good." This is the maincore attack of the A.I. Drone System of yourself on psychological way. This is being used in dreams the same way. This is to destroy the humans and destabilize the relations. This can also be done without communication form like this: Seeing it injection of the memorie of the grandmother who pased away, emotional injection of sadness, injecting the funeral, injecting the taste, deforming memories to the worst. This is also being used to control humans with the connection of acceptance to a politician, with a good memory or injecting way more. The subconsciousness thaught of acceptance and collaboration. This is so complex you need to listen to my MP3s ot translate the PDFs. There you will see me forced to enrage to a terrorist or murderer. Their injection is more dominant than the one from the brain. Took me a long time to wake up a bit.
A.I. automated dreams:
Dreams are like movies. They are repeatable every 5 minutes. Dream Movie and dream transmission is a totally different thing. The dream might be driving a car but the transmission to the subcosciousness and the connection injected is a totally different one like drive into deah. But in the dream it is not reconizable, it is to inject something into the subconsciousness in parallelity. This is a multilayer transmission and has also be seperated from what they do meanwhile to the body and bodyfuntions and hormones but also injections. The whole injection is a multilayer signature. More than 2 while asleep and to the body at least 2 more. The sleeping mind is seperated to the dreaming mind. Dreams repeat often or are a sequence to remember. But the sequence is only what they leave you to remember. They instantly erase dreams fully while waking up, like blackdreaming. Erase Active Memory is a powerfull DARPA Tool to manipulate destabilize the whole world. War is money. Dreams are always generated and uncontrollable, many victims get tortured there too with rape, gore, nightmatres, as cold as a machine can do and the U.S. Government with the cognitive operators behind it, who can control them in realtime.
Digitized dream funtions:
Thisw dreams have always a function, to destabilize or an opinion building. Also to control the sexuality and the sexes you belong to. This is controlling the whole neurology to enslave the globe. It is agains humanity. Against the free will, and forces wars to make a first world country that can consume from all the others.
Balance organ:
The balance organ is an important tool. this is to make the tumble while walking and destablilize whe workflow of an country. People who suffer drom this cant work anymore and depent on a wheelchair. This is also being used in combination of the kybernetics. Also to torture with the sence of falling while the subconsciousness is swapping into sleep. This is exactly detailed timed. Also to wake people up while sleeping to force insomnia and sleep surpression. This is also to be unable o move right in dreams. While awake to fall and get at least hurt. Or look like drunk for the social isolation.
This includes all emotions ever felt by the person itself or all injected through a simulation or other persons of the world who have been digitized. Most dont know that acceptance, sharing an opinion and convincement is a subtype of an emotion too.
Control of the body:
The full control of the body is injectable, in dreams and reallife. The kybernetics is fully orking to 100%. The more you are on their drugs the more they control you. It includes body movement, stiches, finger movements, automated around things, into the crossroad. It feels like beint pushed.
Control of the mind:
The Mind is fully overwritable, all thaughts, emotions, feelings, imaginations, and everything that occures to the part of mind. It is being injected with a stronger strenght than the own and is surpressing free will, personality and character type, what is a murderer to the personality through forcing a stereotype of mind and thaught.
Technological control:
Technological control is also possible, the technology 1st world is producable through the forcement of the use of a human brain to work while asleep and erasement. This is also a technology robbery. Technological productions can also be infiltrated through sabotage with inductive charges and other warhead options of Bio-Chemical Warfare which is also an Electromagnetical Warfare. Technological superiority is technological erasement of countries who are being attacked.
Geopolitical positioning:
Geopolitical positioning is what happens in Europe for decades into the direction of the east. This is a military and warhead positioning of nuclear weapons a a threat but also provocation of the east. This has been arranged in good will but has been ignored through the west like the U.S.A. and NATO. This is also a hugle point, my Torture Diary contains also China, Russia, Hong Kong, North Korea, Ukraine, Taiwan, but also the geopolitical positioning around China.
Dream control like a move to be forced to play the role:
Dreams are like Movies. This Movies can be injected and the human is forced to play the role. They are repeateable all 5 minutes from the beginning. They go into, implanting memories, implating blueprints, stealing technology, rape, terror, sexuality, gore, nightmares, homosexuality, child abuse and the worst ever imaginable. From real world reinjections with oversteered emotions, unable to wake up under the drug injection of anesthesia. Controllable in realtime for the operators behind the A.I. and placeable threatment for peaople like me in a choosable syndrome but also to the last pictures of the death. I have already a special threatment set to my death protocoll.
Pain is a neurological signature. Pain is controllable like every physical feeling. Pain is what they threat the victims every single day and second with. A handicapped person wont feel the knife in his leg because of the neurological damage, but this signalinformation is injectable in a designated strenght through a neuromagnetical injection. This includes all possible pain also rape. Also in synchronity through the reinjection to existant pain to strenghten it. The victims say "You will remember that shot of a bullet into your head".
A desese is something that occures through a carrier. This carrier is not nessasary when synchronized digitized. This injection is like a virus reproduction. The virus often changes the DNA to reproduce the Virus. This is a neurological way of reproduction. The injection is not nessasary, just the signalinformation of the reproduceable Visus and the cell will reproduce it. But also the produceable ones are combined to an itching in the nose in particular ways. When you snooze they make your loung burn to force the immune system to react to it. Combinations like this occure when they have been made angry (Like my own profile angered them and said "Adrian belive me you wont even look with your ass at her" and had shown me a profile of a really fat woman. I don´t understand why she was mad at me.
Illness: Neurosyncronized Virus Signalinformation injections.
All illnesses are neurological combinations. Throat pain, caugh, nose running, eyes swollen, and so on. This is also a Copy Cat injection of the symptomes which have been digitized in realtime and can be reinjected in synchronity as they occured. In combination to the immune system and other Bio-Chemical processes. Almost all are reinjectable. Also those with cell destabilisation and blood toxicity risement, but also those with cell destruction.
Cell growth:
Cell growth can be controlled, cancer and fett cells but also all others, like organ growth. Specially in child growth. Most of the victims suffer from cancer and die from it. Bacteria combined cell growth included.
Biohacking like pus and other bacteria controlled sensations are controllable. I have scars of it and my blood toxicity went to more than 3x higher than allowed. Gut bacteria is also controllable, degerneration of cells also included, as growth of skin and organ based degeneration. (In synchronity like an upsidedown pyramide). Victims often suffer from teeth pain or infetions like in World War 2 they pull out your teeth.
All neuronal signals are deformable and injectable in realtime with signalinformations. Thaughts, body informations, sight, sound, feelings, emotions, body functions, everything that the body is also able to do but also even A.I. designable more.
All hormones are controllable, in the production but also in the synchronized reinjection of the digitized reaction. This affects all like the sexual ones but also all neurotransmitters and those who regulate sleep functions, also those who are set free through drugs or other medications.
As also the hormones all are reinjectable in production but also in synchronized funktion. Like everything else in realtime and ajusted to the situation, vision, sound, thaught and everything else.
Sleep regulation:
Sleep regulation can be reversed but also strenghtened. Often in cycles combined with things like peeing or heart attacks but also brath control to suffer from suffocations. Murderer while asleep or sick to point at deseses or illnesses but also epidemic control of an outbreak. Sleep regulation is reverset to me, night awake, days sleepy to be unable to organize with others.
Vision control:
Vision is fully readable and injectable in a digitized view of the world with informations. Also attackable to everything you see and combined to the kybernetics but also to emotions and hormones and the whole neurology. To me they have set miniature points like electric movements to the sky but a snowing like from a television that has no signal. This is adjustable in strenght, those points where when i was on the zombie drug in my whole flat and controllable. So they can inject a whole digitized explaination of every human being and the environment, like troop movement or distance. Others have a different threatment and say it is fully digitized.
Human to human over A.I. monitoring:
The monitoring is fully in motion and color. Often shown when I had closed eyes. 100% precise, like a movie. This is also being used to inject dreams. But in this they are able to see through the eyes of tvery human being on the world the A.I. allows them to see through. The Environment is also fully digitized and is in realtime. This can probably also be sent to an smartphone but is also setable to a part of the view like watching at a cellphone or black screen. In sound and view.
Gut control:
Gut control is also 100% adjustable. Like to me they like me to fart when im at the laptop. It is setable to spots and locations but also in dreams. Bacteria control is also adjustable. Like now while im writing.... This is also a body control of the food you have aten to control the process of the transformation and the microelemental consumption of a heathy body. The control of body fat and the cendestance of the poo is adjustable, poo control is also responsable for demency and other mind deseses and others.
Bacteria control:
Bacteria control is in combination to the above said things but also to the whole body. Like the whole skin to have pickles with pus or not. This all is a destabilisation of the well feelings of a healthy mind. If someone has a bad skin he or she is often ashamed of it and it destabilizes like all other points the menthal well being but also the illness system of a country and is a torture to every human being. Bacteria also causes infections, which often occure to teeth or guts.
Blood toxication:
Blood toxication is also a murderer attemp and vegetative nervous system destruction but also the gut destruction of a heathy human being. Blood toxications that occured to me have already been mensioned. Blood toxications can degenerate the cells to amputations. Often occured at knuckles where the possible amputation is higher than to the neck or stomach. Oftern occured to the face and limbs, legs and arms. The liquidity of the blood and the oxygen value is also being controlled.
Opinion forcement:
The opinion forcement is hearable at my MP3s. Forced against the U.S.A. to attack themselves with the obvious tactic. This A.I. uses mostly two tactics. Once the obious tactic the other is the cardhouse tactic, build up and destroy. opinions are being forced in realtime. The forcement is stronger than the own will. Mostly accompanied through emotions. the forcement can be everything thee A.I. wants you to belive. The forcement is also extremly visiby at the whole Targeted Individuals statements. Most are connected to letters, persons, environment, targets, theories like the Freemasons and others. Everything to keep the victims in an torturable environment but far away from DARPA and the Government. In the most cases to sound dubious to the listener in a loop of torture. This is also being practiced to politics. Opinion forcement is a strong political power.
Opinion control:
Almost like the statement above it is being controlled. My MP3s show the opinion jumps they wanted me to have. But the geopolitical connection and connection to this weapon is far from the propaganda they use. Opinion control leads a lot of victims to religion and other directions of isolated threatment but also hopelessness. Hopelessness leads to suizide murderer so they have to threat less victims which they try to clear like to the end of WW2. Opinion control is setable to a statement, a pandemy, a politician like a magnet. One magnet spreads it and the other soaks it all in. Also to brands or specific situational belive.
Sexuality is a main attack. Rape combined to TV watching. To every person around. But also setable like a magnet to themselfes for Viagra and K.O. Pills for enjoyment. It is like prostituting the whole world, also set for birth control of the globe. Sexuality can and is also used in a different way, like making a man feeling like a woman with mindlayers of woman and the opposite. Operations can be the result. Combined with the sexuality and feeling of love set to the same sexes. This is not the only attack point they set it also to children, weather the children themselfes or adults. In combination of deformed imagination injections but also in combination of hormones and sexual urges, controlled with the focus of the point view and kybernetics.
Family is also a primary attack point. Family is automated included. "Family is what brings them first to fall". mothers, fathers, brothers but also friends and the whole environment of the individual. Resulting in torture, kybernetical control where the family wonders why they drop so many things, pain, dreams and the whole program is also set to the family too. Murdering the family is included while the knowing person is unable to explain it to them and is forced to watch. They are mass murderers. Up to the control of giving birth, controlling sperm and deep muscles to abort birth. Birth control is a mail point as they said "We cant provide whole India condoms". Through Ionisation and charging the DNA the control of a birth is being compleatley aborted. Locating Pimbles allows also the locatind of spearm cells but also the egg of the woman in realtime when it is possible to give birth. Through the deep musculature, hormones and contractions supported to abort the wish of a child. Also through neurotransmitter and creating swelling to canals of the vaginal system but also producing gus to destroy all possibilities. Like they do concetrated to the teeth of the victims (see pictures on victim websites). The cycle can also be controlled or aborted through the endless urge for sex or mastrubation, but also the egg production can be viewes weather to leg her masturbate to execute the birth option. Most of the victims are single. Neurotransmitter play a huge roll too. Also the sleep surpression and raped with kybernetics in dreams. but also the production of all kind of liquids can be controlled. Such as nose runnings like being ill, and illnesses are also a point which must be seen in this and other connections. But also an oversteering of the immune system and the resulting forced medicine (Also in combination with the upcomming part with the psychological medicines and drugs).
Stimulations of all hormones and emotions but also feelings are a daily threat for every human being on this planet. This occures in various ways. Depending on the situation and the result they are expecting. I am often forced to laugh when they do. Laughter is a strong weapon. Humor is extreamly strong, while your family doesnt know why you laugh or are amused. It forces the people to the psychiatry or worse. It is a destabilisation of family reations. Also the whole laughter is combined to the kybernetics, all muscles needed to laugh in your face. This Stimulation occures also in sexual ways. a victim once said while her clitoris has been stimulated for a week "They want to maim me".
Kybernetics of every muscle (also muscle parts):
The kybernetics works 100% accurate. Combined to the view, sound, and environment of others. Also to the eyes movement, fingers and sexual parts of the body. The kybernetics is one of the most dangerous weapons. While held assleep on ansthesia the body can still move or sleepwalk. Combined to all movement in sleep. Speed up in front of crossroads, stairs, cars and other dangerous situations. Forcing people to drop things. Specially in work it is a reason to be unemployment. Also combined to the will to sleep. Precise to the consciousness falling into sleep with stiches of the legs or body parts. Specially while walking also to make a step aside or tumble. It is able to weaken every movement. It usually feels like an exoskelletton but it can also feel like the battery is empty and it is really heavy. The feeling of feeling light or heavy is combined to it. Also it leads you to walk in an different direction because it feels like being pushed or magnetically steered or pulled. It doesn´t need the whole view, only a small part of it. You can walk while watching to the sky home, you only need to see a part of the ground. Walking at lanterns controls the body around it. The distance to things got changed after a complainment that 50cm is too much and is at 30cm now.
Regulation of temperature:
The regulation of the body temperature is adjustable. Forcind illness to break out but is also to keep humans in sleep status. The Temperature is set up high when falling asleep without a blanket to keep in sleep. It is also adjustable to let coldness come from the floor, from toes to legs upwards. From outside to inside. The whole body at once or not. It is often combined with lust or beeing sexually controlled. The whole body gets warm and tingles from the heat, in the chest or whole body often combined with sexual regions. Illnesses can be controlled and streanghtened through cold and warm in combination or one after the other and reverse. Temperature control is a strong weapon, speacially when you are already ill so it can worse the status like in accompanied corona.
Heart attacks:
Heart attacks have been uncountable often practiced to me. Specially when I did not know it was the A.I. at the beginning of my complainment. It was combined to wake me up and to the sound from above to make a connection to my neighbours who did it almost to murder them. With opinion forcing and sounds in a 3 dimensional dolby neuronal sound signature. That is one point which made me mad. About 500 times with anger control to uncontrollable explosion. But i complained to my landlord also that this can kill older persons and other things, without knowing it was the A.I.. Heart attacks are real. Heart attacks are murder. Mostly combined to illness or deseses or corona like the A.I. warsystem often does.
Strokes and Nervous system attacks to paralisation (happend to me left face):
Many victims have these problems. Some say they need help to walk. I got hit in my face and it got paralized (Nerv no 7 form the brain). For me it is suspicious that some on the internet have recorded their stroke. How were they able to recognize a stroke bevore it was occuring. It attacks the nervous system and is a global in realtime mass destruction weapon in use. It is a War Crime.
Vegetative nervous system control:
Controlling heart attacks, breath stops, blood pressure, organs, body functions, and the whole vegetative nervous system.
Pee or poo control:
Pee control everytime thinking to go out. The thaught is enough, combinable to situations or places where the person is not allowed to stay or go. Also to wake someone unsuspicous up at night, to control sleep without knowing. Poo control is the control of the condestencion, it has something to do with the speed of passing through. Food can´t provide all minerals or causes pain when it gets really hard. Often in a yellow color. Im suspecting the control of pancreas or bile. This is being practiced to a lot of victims.
Immune system control:
The immune system is being controlled through hyper reactions to allergical reactions and deseses. But Im suspecting the immune system also to be controlled to make corona tests positive. Because they react to a certain in the body produced structure. My corona tests are often with a slight red positive stripe, but you have to look exactly to see it. The strenght is dependend to what they want to produce. It stopped after a few corona tests but is visible. The whole immune system can be oversteered to burning like symptomes on the whole body. Bubbles and itchings.
Neurological communication form (thaught to ear or dream signal of hearing):
The neurological communication form occures to a lot of vitims probably the most. This is controlled to led them into psychiatry or to give them the opportunity to get harder medicine, like sleeping pills or diazepam and others. Like they said "We have never judged someone who has taken a handfull of pills who was willing to die while asleep". The neurological communication form was a fail for them to use it on me. At least now at the beginning with the zombie drug, it was a hard impact on me. But now where the injections became a little less and im documenting all the time with my recordings it was probably not the best way. Although they always say the A.I. was proove to kill me. The Communication form is a transmission based on the neurological signalinformation. The thaught from the operators or the A.I. transcrypted to the signalinformation of the ear or the signalinformation that we hear while we are dreaming.
Drug injections:
This is the most complex drug factory of the planet. Drugs that aren´t possible to produce in reallife are createable through this. I´m willing to sell this to drug lords if the government is not willing to do anything. Seems like a good business, it is allowed, spreadeable without shipping and activateable for a adjustable time. This can be sold through PayPal for an Euro per hour, reagardless of the rush. And the drug lords can also visit the DEA, no lost drugs anymore. It is a 100% lost free drug portal. Also Cocaine for an hour and after that hour you can easily say sleep on. You just need to think, Tony Montana for an hour, thats it. The U.S. Governent is injecting it for decades against the will of the citisans. You just need an A.I. and neurological data and connection to the telecommunication network, thats all. If you are High one day say "Happy Birthday Tony Montana". Clue from the U.S. Governments A.I. Teaming and operators, invest in satelites, but armored ones. But it is active for decades it works through Wi-Fi as i suspect it to be. The first victim I have found is from 1963 and this is about the time DARPA was on the Internet.
Medicine injections:
This is the same as above. A handfull of pills.... Dopamine, Serotonine, Diazepam, Olanzapin, Pain killers, GABA, Neurotransmitter, blood thickener, alergic shocks to medicine, steroides (Testesterone), and a lot more. The combination of drugs and medicine makes the U.S. Druglord. I have heared that the combination of medicine and a drug is responsible for the zombie drug invasion in the U.S.. Thinking speed control is also a drug.
Injections of misscontrolled coordinations of the neurological signals inside the brain:
After drugs the coordination of brainsignals is probaly different and is read out but also reinjected. Also with ilnesses like with humans whos funtions are oversteered or slowed where they sleep all the time. The Brain injections can be like after taking drugs to oversteer them in synchronity or to control them. This happens to me when im sometimes out with friends, when I drink alcohol the rush is controlled so I don´t get drunk anymore. But this goes as everything also into the other direction. Rush control is a neurological signal. You can also say a small Tony Montana or Al Pacino Style (Like in the Movie with the mountain of cocaine and the machinegun).
This is a neurological surpression in realtime. It works on a few things, like erasing memories silently from the past to present and instantly when something important occures for my Torture Diaries. This is an automated and systematical process from DARPA which is based on the memories you have right now. The Memories of the present you are visible to them while the A.I. profile of yourself is fed with no erased or forgotten memory. Alzheimer Programs in a military facility are not there to heal people.
Erasing Active Memories are instantly based like on a text in WORD. It can be a single word or a whole sentence. All is also set into the destination to the target in his A.I. Profile of himself as a Syndrome collection. What they want you to forget is just being said and the Wardrone A.I. is operating with it. Cognitive Orders are enough. On the one site the cognitive commnication form is an attacking system, on the other a psychological illness.
Erasing active memory (a word or whole sentences but also memories):
As said above, it is DARPAs "Restore Active Memory Project". Restoring deformed memories is the same attacking system as erasing. Restoring the worst and deformed memories build also a base for dreams. Like a Movie without control, forced to play the role, even their automated "Freak Offs". At day is also everything feelable like a bullet into the head.
Imagination deformation:
The Imagination is being deformed in realtime of the thaught or the imagination. Like with a crossfader. Also a setable subinformation which is set into the subcosciousness. This can even vary of the actual dream but is dominant as the feeling and connection of what has been sent. Dreams are getting erased but are stored in the subconsciousness. This can also be reactivated when the right situation occures. The thaught is being deformed like with a crossfader or instant, to gore and worse. Imagine thinking about your dog the deform it to a bloody mess. Think at a skycraper and the drift it to a plane collosion as a blueprint. Situations, environment, persons and action can be swapped like with a crossfader in realtime. In Dreams they might leave you the last 10 minutes to remember but a 8 hours dream got deformed and erased. Neurotransmitter and emotions form fear are already in your blood, this will let you act differently than you would normally do.
Desire control and deformation:
Desires are also being deformed as the point above. Sexuality is a main attack point as the family is too. Often in combination. This deforms social connections and destabilizes countries and continents. The desire is always deformed automated or in dreams both is also controlled by the operators behind. At night the newbies train, so they can also make failures which get erased. At day they can and force evreyone to sex. Sex under this control of the Viagra A.I. is raping, but the raping transmission at night or day is raping too. The bullet into your head feels like the bullet into your head.
Control of suizide murderer:
Suizide murder through emotion and feeling control under all aspects do mental destabilisation is murder. The murder weapon is the neuropsychology. Through emotions and endless sadness forced to suizide murder or murder. Through "Freak Offs" and way worse things. The Person who dies doesn´t want to die, it wants only to make this suffering an end. As they said "We have never judged someone to take a handfull of pills, if he wants to die while asleep". Digitized until all signalinformations and the suffering fight of the body have ended.
Behaviour control:
Behavior control can be heard exactly in my MP3s and analysed by an A.I.. Every behavior, emotion, feeling and the whole neurology is systematically set to the A.I. profile and the syndrome collection that has been copied into it. Control to murder in every possible way and quitting the will to live, but also control political opinions, sexual and menthal ensalvement/colonialisation.
It is connected to everything, the subconsciousness, thaught, view, sound, emotion, feeling, friends, family, environment and so on.
In my case to murder my neighbours at the time i didn´t know it was the A.I. (visible in complainments to my landlord), to menthally illness while the neurological communication form got activated after that and the drug injection got increased. Now through anger and emotion control they try to let me be seen as a terrorist. But the terrorist Program is derivable from my documentations and complainment. Specially the connection to be against the U.S.A. or 9-11. The obvious tactic is what they show in comparisson, noone suspects the victim just the preperator while this technology is unknown to humanity. Behavior like everything else is setable in percentages or instantly to an emotional explosion, but also to everything else, also the TV informations like corona for mass hysteria.
Loading the body with wireless energy:
Wireless energy as I suspect it is the DARPA Power Technology the wireless transmission of energy. It can probably also soak the energy with the whole biofield. Im getting electrical hits at the GYM, but only at a certain device, ehile the others are unaffected. This is to strenghten the strenght of tha mass destruction weapon system. This is an device that is plugged to the actual neurological weapon system. It destroys also microelectronic at my home. Fakes mesurements from the victims to make them search in the wrong direction. Set and in synchronity to the subconsciousness in realtime. The energy can be adjusted in < 1second to regardless what time. The electrical charge can also be asumed, when i am trying to test something. My computer broke, almost al bulbs, always when im in the toilet and other locations the light flicks. My TV and receiver are broke. It is an military microelectronic attack on other countries too, to slow their Technology level down or make their products less reliable.
Steering bioenergy (injection to the whole body with a zero information in vibrations or frequency):
Im suspecting the Bioenergy being a part of it. It is quiet simple to produce and soak it with their technology. To produce it you need to send a full body signal without a signalinformation or a zero information. The whole body will send a bioelectrical signal to the brain or produce one. This will charge the whole body. It is not nessasary to have a signalinformation in it like pain. The whole body DNA is targetable and able to prduce the bioenergy. It is always 100% precise to position and repeatability. Regardless of the amount of repeatations or the position of the whole body or not. Even inside the body to the guts, but also as mesured from victm organisations to the temperature of the spine and brain.
Control believe in realtime combined to setable goals:
Believe is a signatureinformation like emotions are too. They are placed in a multilayer signal as a hidden signalinformation. It feels like real believe and it is probably set to politicians to accept opinions. The Information said is not nessasary to be the same as the signalinformation. When I would say to you don´t do it or set a statement regardless of which one. The Signalinformation is in paralelity to it and can be a compleate different one. Like "do it" or "go get buy some ice cream" or "go with me home". The emotion and believe will be oversteered and feels like the own with an intense urge to do it. It is important to watch every emotion and opinion and statement in every second of your life. If you don´t you wont recognize it and you´re lost. The A.I. realizes in realtime when you are vurnable the most. Every word can also be an Urge with an endless oversteering of what they want. But words are not nessasary, the will is enough. The Kybernetics will let her watch at you and inject also the will to like you, like you can´t watch away. The same thing for belive and opinion control. But also in the other direction. They always serve both camps.
A.I. Profiles and Drone System:
In my case it is a 4 A.I. Cognitive Drone War System (CDWS) plus 1 and the operators behind them, the A.I. profile of myself. It is fully filled with 100% memories to childhood (42 years) without delays. The Warsystem attacks priorized and defends the operators at all will, while the victims get the full WAR brutality like only an icecold machine can do it. They watch, control and adjust murderer, rape, violation, political opinion, colonialisation, slavery, apartheit, racism, syndromes, with green light from above. They act like generals who deligate the A.I. drone system, which is coordinating the footsoldiers, the civil citisans. The A.I. Drone System always protects the potentate, while the victims expect no mercy, only coordinated full brutality. The A.I. War Drone System is armed with the full neurological Bio-Chemical arsenal. The Drone System is automated and systemized like Zyklon-B and indeed a neurotoxin using global WARHEAD. The A.I. profiles are global profiles of humans or their own. Mostly 2 woman and 2 men. To also fulfill all sexual destabilisations, like anger against woman or rape. The Profile of your own knows every weakness of you and all you fear or don´t like is instantly used as a weapon against you, in realtime when the creation of a thaught is being created in your subconsciousness. Your memories of the worst, all is being used. In WAR they show no mercy, and this is WAR. 24/7, every day. Every second stolen of your life is precious to the A.I. War System as for Gollum his Ring. It is the War System of the Imperialism.
Controlling physical pain:
Physical pain can be radiated to a target. Physical pain is a Bioneurological signalinformation. This is steerable in position, repetation, strenght, area, size, movement, speed, all a human can feel or have felt. Not only you, most of the victims who got raped never got raped bevore, neighter got a headshot or one slowly into the body. With entrance and exit. Every pain felt on this planet got digitized and is tranferable to everyone on this planet. Imagine someone jumping of a building or in front of a train. Imagine the darkest human thaught ever been fullfilled or not it is injectable. Based on the Bioneurological signature, it is a global Bio-Chemical Mass destruction weapon system. Priorized guts, limbs and specially teeth like in World War 2. Often combined with cell degeneration or gus. Physical pain can also be phantom pain of limbs, and probaly areal pain. I was able to control like 6 arms and something like wings those can theretically also hurt. Physical pain can also be reinjected for a higher strenght of the real pain, but also in syndromes to fake systematically pain in connection to movement or touch.
Drug, addiction and urge control:
Addictions are controlable in strenght, and urge but also setable to the time or situation in every occasion to be there. Set to Drugs, alcohol, sexuality, cigarettes, food, drinks, shopping, everything. The Drugs can be strenghten and weaken. Alcohol drinking can be set to never being drung again or extreamly drunk after the first beer. Urges are endless. Always combined to the subcosciousness and the injection to think about it in and endless urge. Into the imagination, memory or view. This is a Signalinformation and is plugable to everything. Also to the woman you see. Like Viagra and K.O. pills, set to the attraction at the operator or cooperating politicians, companies, soldiers who enter a warzone as reward, setable to the will of all behind the A.I. WARHEAD. As eplained, the drug variation is endless. Mixable to eternity. Druglords might be interested and the DEA probably too. It is like putting LSD into the drinking water, like it has been done in the past.
Psychological deseses:
Neuropsychological tactics are priorized in PHASE 1. Specially to store the victims slobbering in the psychiatry. The NEAT Programm of the DARPA uses anxiousity, traumatical experiences, anti suizide, social phobias, all psychological deseses and neurological too.
Prirized to murder someone cognitively. A braindead person that is slobbering is murdered too. I am wondering how many will have the chance to wake up again, and for how many the way back is already closed. Forcing healthy people to go to the doctor and being able to get hard medicine. Like Diazepam, sleeping pills, and drugs of all kind. Always remember "A handfull of pills".
View manipulation:
The view manipulation is based on many things, also the point above. To me they put a snowing on the view, which led me to the theory of "Liquid QR Code string programming" and the use of the brain as a Quantum Computer. Also dots like electrical brain connections are there. But the view ban be made blurried (some of them might need it when a woman looks at them). But the worst part of it is that it can lead you to death while seeing blurried or situational activated to persons or areas. It can also make people think they need glasses which would destroy the view, because they are not nessesary. The view is also fully digitized injectable to have a full digitized viel of all things you see with informations. Based on the injections which are uncoordinated to me, but have not nesessary to be uncoordinated. It is controlled and can be a function explaination, combined with the injected dreams while not asleep and closed eyes. It is the Human over A.I. Human monitoring and the quality is really good, better than Full HD, like the human sight. This is what dreams base on. Based on experiences. They were cautious but nat as cautious as they wish.
Biological and unbiological growth:
Biological cell growth includes cancer (that is what the most victims die and suffer from), fat cell growth, gut growth, pus growth (I have scars and pictures like other have too), all toxications, starting as an embryo to cripple human beings from birth. Unbiological growth is based on the vibrations. Humans consume through vegetables and injections of vaccine substances like Bismuth. Biismuth in combination of vibrations and inductive vibration of the magnetic field has a special ability. It grows to crystals in a very special way. It is a kind of cristal like the detectors in the supermarket react to when you try to steal something. It is a square and spiral shaped. This can be something to produce strokes, but also to guarantee a better connectivity. But also other substances inside our bodies can react in a simmilar way to inductive charges, vibrations or ionisations.
Air absorbtion from environment and burning process:
Air is a thing that often occures. Often combined to the kybernetical functions. It feels like the body can´t consume oxygen or the other way depending if they want you to sleep or not, but also to if they want you to be weaken. The transformation or consume process from the oxygen to the blood is controlable through the loungs but also through the ionisation of the air. The ionisation is also an emotion control tool, simmilar to various methods through ionisation and electromagnetical vibrations. Oxygen disturbtion is often active, but only in certain situations. Used to fall into anesthetical sleep, or to special situations. But never at the GYM regardless of the elecrical shocks at the GYM. So there must be a difference between the ionisation of the air and the body. It can also, as everything goes into both directions, make you awake or strenghten your funtions, brain functions included. Sometimes combined to laughter, the laughter and humor emotion is very powerfull, it is sometimes that strong that you have the feeling to faint. Fainting occures to falling asleep when they want you to but also to victims behind the steering wheel.
As described above it has a massive impact on emotions, breath and oxygen control. But also on the electric charge of the body. Ionisations can transform molecules and more. It is setable to a certain spot and connectable to the dna of the body in combination to the other A.I. warhead functions. It is a silent death.
Breath control:
The vegetative nervous system is controllable. It happens often to me when I use the A.I. functions. The A.I. often reacts with breath stop. This also almost killed me once while asleep. See Torture Diaries, it was connected to a religios dream and the last breath was like a ressurection. Uncontrolled awaken like an animal. Leg after leg, arm after arm, grunting through the nose, inhaling the saving last breath. "Silent and focused Murderer". It is a global A.I. WARHEAD in use for decades. Imagine the mass murdering in about 60 years. At least the 42 I live. Also adjusted to the operators and for free use of the A.I. Drone War System.
They inject also while perishing "A free death doesn´t exist anymore". Digitized and injected from embyo to after the body died and the last pictures are theirs.
Drug abusement control:
The forcement but also the point when someone offers drugs is influenced. Drug addiction starts with the will which they control. Drug abusement and the urge is controllable to unstoppable urge. Drugs can be strenghtened but also weaken in function. The alcohol rush can be reduced to almost zero. This is where people can drink until they die in connection to the urge or will to be drunk. This is also mirrorable to all other drugs on the planet. But also with the medicine and drug injection overstearable to endlessness. The will to take drugs or drink or smoke cigaretts is set to everything. It is a syndrome that occures in every situation injected to the mind or imagination but also the subconsciousness. If you had a cigarette, the feeling to be fed can be deactivated and let you smoke a hundred cigarettes in a row if they want. This produces cancer and the cancer growth is reinjectable strenghtened to kill silent.
Urge control:
The Urge as above mansioned, can be set to everything. The Urge to drugs, scratching in combinations of itching, sexuality like a nymphomaniac unlimited and controlled oversteered (victims had to stop while driving to set the urge an end) (this is also rape and produces "Freak Offs" against the sober will) digitized and stored into the tortured victims profile and memories, reinjectable everytime to everything in connection also to them if they want some fun. Imagine whatever and urge it. Also with simple things like food to be isolated. Children are always affected too.
Global A.I. drone attacks (a drone without body is an A.I., in a neurological tranmission it is a weapon system):
This Bio-Chemical A.I. Drone System Warhead attacks globally for decades. The victims are spread all over the world, see the victim organisations page. It is digitizing the whole world. The hard discs are not available for civilians, the U.S. Government doesn´t allow this. This Hard discs are more important than the Quantum Computer. Victim reports and victim attacks go from up to 1963. All from at least this date are fully digitized and being used in all simulations to work cognitively for them or be a part of the Mindlayer Injection Quantum Computer core system. All reasonable doubts have been practiced to the citisans of the whole globe. Child abuse have been digitized too also sexual, every humilation, every WAR got supported, every hate, every racicm, and way more. Drug injections and mind murderer. All psychological and physical disorders but also reinjections in realtime. Geopositioning, geopolitical forming, oil and mineral robbing, robbery of money through steering the buying product of their own, controlling intelligence, erasing memories, controlling personalities, controlling real drones, kybernetics, destroy reationchips. One of the main attacks is to feel uncomfortable, this leads into isolation and is a base for further psychological threatment but also a better controllable person. Hate level set on countries and continents. Birth control, terilisation through ionisations and electrical charges of intime regions. Controlling stitches and contractions for abortations of births. They always scream "This is something that he can´t proove". This technology has to be build and they have to be read out for global justice. Even when we have to make a global croud founding to rebuild this in the name of the fallen. Monuments need all names. Families might recognize this threatment to their family members who passed away.
Wireless nurological transmission in 100% precise to the DNA download and upload:
This transmission is wireless, and personalized. This is all I can say. The transmission is a one way ticket they want you to search for. But the reality is, that it is almost fully based on the neuroscience. This transmission seems to be based as in patents shown on the DNA. Two nearby victims are seperatable. This transmission is probably also based on the wireless Power technology which can spot a flying drone to charge it. In synchronity to the Biofield. This technology folows you in realtime, based on the read out neurological movement informations but also others. The wireless data contains 100% of the neurology. For download and upload, it seems like an electromagnetic field connection, simmilar to a magnet. It is the fastest connection I have ever seen. It is in lightspeed. All mensioned data is readable, it contains 100% of the data. The reaction back is in lightspeed without any delays, it never aborts, also fully working in World War 2 german bunkers, with World War bomb safe walls where no connections to smartphones is available. No 5G is available and everyone who wants to call someone has to leave the bunker.
Satelite superiority:
This is probably the point why the U.S. Government is angry about any others sending satelites up, while they already have the superiority. With 2500 satelites, while they are angry when Russia (180) and China (450) send some up. Most think that the others might have more but that semms to be untrue. Satellite superiority has been claimed for many decades and they know why. This signal has to be seen as a radiation like radioaktivity but more like neuroaktivity. Any military harmfull or attacking signal on the groung of other countries is an attack behind border lines. This has to be seen as a direct attack on the country that ist affected. And the whole globe is affected. This is a military attack on every country of the globe. Priorized on civilians, but it affects every DNA based organism. Sanctions, embagos and realation abortions have to be the result. This technology robbs every single technology on the globe. It is robbery, murdering, raping, destabilisation and way above this. Countries like China have the right to build laser based technologies to bring those satelites down.
Using sleep to work like in a labor camp:
This has to be seen in combination to my Quantum Computing Site. but the victims have a way worse experience, with gore,rape, murderer, and may more. This technology can use every brain to work while asleep without payment to enrich the user of this technology. This is a labour camp in addition to all the other War Crimes hat have been commited. Sleep is als an opinion forcing tool for them, as explained above. Injections while asleep and awake are not eraseable from the subcosciousness. The question will be if the Harddisc or when, will reach its maximum of data injections. And will it forget other things to store something. Probably controlled through them yes. They don´t care for your family memories, they also instant erase faces and memories of your loss as a further part of torture. Do you know the sentence, "I almost don´t know how she looked like?". This is what they have instantly done to me with deformations and erasement. One victim said a friend took her life through suizide because she couldn´t remember her life anymore.
It is a concentration camp:
It is a global Concentration Camp. The points speak for themselfes. All World War 2 Crimes have been commited and went way above. Including teeth. On this data sticks more blood than on the gold of the 2nd World War. Whole families are instantly involved. I have read of victims where mother and daughter get raped (Have a look at Facebook).
Digitized visualisation:
As explained above the Human to Human Monitoring through an A.I. in an environmental Matrix is what they see all the time and the A.I. desribes all the time. I stand up they know. Something is somewhere they know. Something is dirty they know. They see you alway naked to see where they attack your body. To see the pain and stimulation. They can see everyone on the street nacked, also children. The digitization includes all children infront of mirrors but also digitized in detail to the DNA. They can spot every pimple on my skin without that i recognize it and lead my hand to it through the kybernetics and urge. They have every dream digitized in a 3D movie. The operators watch and steer the strenght, when the A.I. has called for support. They always silence the screams and monings because they don´t want to hear them. Syndrome Control....
Finance systems:
All bank accounts of the globe are digitized. All account informations. Transfers are instantly transferable. They can crash the finance system whenever they want.
There are no secrets anymore. Digitized and stripped to the bone. No nuclear code is safe. While everyone without this technology is wondering why the U.S. Services know that much. But at the embassys they suspect AC´s, Mass hysteria and computer mice. In 10 years investigations, 1500 cases in 96 countries. While all victims are being rejected who contact the services or DARPA, also in court. They don´t recognize their own A.I. Mass Destruction Warhead System and symptomes at the embassys. This is another obvious tactic to drop the victoms at Russia because noone suspects the victim again. To drop the guilt at China at the end and hide this data.
You thaught you have secrets, you don´t. Regardless how strong your password is, it is digitizes in realtime when it occures in your subcosciousness bevore you have typed it in or created it. Thats how hacker attacks can be dropped at other countries.
Destabilisation of illness systems:
This is a huge part of the weapon system. Destabilisation through unnesassary doctor visits. This soaks money from the country or the person which has to go to the doctor everytime. It also steals lifetime and tortures the victim. This is an unrepayable high amount of money that has been wasted for decades, asumed to the whole globe. Weaken the friends, is a military backstabbing to the friend. In germany we say "Who has friends like this doesn´t need enemies anymore". There are way more points which have also to be seen under this subclass. Also some from above.
They can make you walk and think like a woman (sexuality control):
First the walk. The kybernetiks can make you walk like a woman or crooked to further destabilize illness systems. Cause pain through a learned and destabilized walk. I don´t know if it is in connection but it is a good explaination. I often see people running and they swing with one foot to the side, only while running. Women with the right mostly and men lith the left. This kan make knee problems for the future. Sometimes there are simple points that result in an illness later. (Woman walk tested, more than once, I just wanted to know how it is to walk like this. Tested at least 3 Profile injections, all were different.)
Second, to think like a woman can be seen as sexuality disorder forcement. Combined with love to the same sexes and control in dreams. With Viagra combined to homosexuality or the wish to be the other sex. Also combined to hormone control. The Mindlayer injection doesn´t need to be the same sex as you are. It can be the other over decades.
Mindlayer injections:
A Mindlayer Injection is an injection of a different character or personality. It contains speech, voice, thaught, lyrics, linguistic, subconsciousness, word combinations, emotions, feelings, forcement to think that way, thinking speed, acceptance, childishness or others like naivity, like an avatar, drug injections, medicine injections, it is a full personality change injections in a strenght that is higher than the own signal and singnalinformations in your brain. Also combined to all impulses created, when created. Kybernetis also and smell, view, mind surpression, erasind but also restoring memories and way more. If you want to be like a barbarian or Barbie or Ken, everything is possible. You can also be like a presiden but dont choose "President biden". He forgets and is walking the wrong way. this is the multitasking erasement with erase active memory. I call it "being Joed". Your own Mindlayer can also be Injected with deformations in certain directions. In a rise over decades or faster. Like with anger or sillyness to produce a certain product of you. Mostly with acceptance and I have the feeling that in the U.S.A. the most common injection the patriotism is (explained further down, like below and above....).
Thinking speed control:
Thinking speed is controllable but both directions are a deformation of the personality and intelligence level. If you think slowlier, then it is like having a brain frost. Often combined to a limited thinking, if you think 200-300% faster it is the same deformation. Faster thinking is more dangerous, thaughts are not overthaught, you say things that you dont want to say, secrets are easier available, but in dreams the torture irrogations gather more informations in the same time. It is important, because the A.I. often goes the highest % way. This means it can also be wrong. But in an irrogation the result will become more precise to what the person woud do. Also emotion controlled irrogations can be controlled for a controlled acting.
IQ control:
IQ control is reiable to memories and the two points above. This destabilizes country manpower. Made in Germany might not be as good as it was bevore. The IQ control is to hold countries in a controlable staus. But I recognized that IQ relies to almost 100% on interrests. Erasing interrests is the hardest hit for the IQ level of a country when war is not reachable. Interrests in war are focused on war or foor and rebuilding the country. This destabilizes the whole country, but I have already heard sentences like "Books reading not good". Erasing educations or slowing down thinking or the ability to storage informations is a degeneration of countries and continents. This also means a better reachability to minerals and oil to keep a country low, but also to mercenaint manpower.
Speech control (syntax, word combinations, rhymes, rhythms, fluence, language used):
Syntax is what influences my writings the most, it is a focused attack on my Documantations, but also a degenerative instrument for the intelligence. Word combination are bound to profiles. That means that you can talk like a rapper, in my case a white rapper. Rhymes are hypnotic, it is almost like hearing a song you like the most and being forced to think in that melody and rhythm. The speech can be aborted. That means if they want they can make you stop while you speak. This happens often while singing in mind and through the A.I. profiles. When i listen to songs I don´t know and sing them in mind or with or through them (through them is an automated injection on me), the breaks are like a full stop it is but feelable but must not be feelable. Specially when I sing foreighn language songs, the quality of singing the songs is adjustable. Depending on many things but mostly when they don´t want me to sing. The Language you think in is also forceable. In my case it is based on German, Polish, English. Single Words or whole conversations are forceable to speak in the designated language. This makes learning or speaking in foreighn languages impossible. But it is forceable to the will of the A.I.. Sometimes my thaughts jump into English, it feels like an English drug and is magnetizable hypnotic. But singing is also with high and low singing but also the exact same way to sing combined. Also while hearing K-Pop. The melody flow is also included. If they want they can also include the song to the melody flow like an MP3. Or add laughter when they want to destroy you in combination to emotions.
Anxiousity control
(this is one of the most used emotions, but it is the same with all others like anger which is also daily used, see below):
The anxiousness is controllable, in connection to the whole body. Anxiousness is depending on the strenght connected to the chest, legs, heart, whole body. This is connected tot he kybernetics too. Makes your limbs weaker. But fear connected to legs makes a different kind of anxiousity than to the heart. To the legs it is more like being shocked, from the heart too. Your legs get weaker. Most in connection of loses or fear of loses or operations incomming and suddenly apearing bad news. Hearing bad news is combined to something like adrenaline through the legs. This occusres often through the heart. Anyiousity through the heart is neing used more. It feels like adrenaline rushing through your heart. Often combined to things they dont want you to see or thik about. Woman, children, lovely things, ducks, couples, things they dont want you to do, it is combined to a syndrome collection. Humans of other nations but also to being surprised. To people you meet or are willing to meet, combined to the subconsciousness thaugt of it in realtime. This syndrome is always active. It can be combined to groups or everything they want, like dogs and even family (maybe to the mother in law). To produce neuropsychological destabilisations of illness systems and allow the access to medicine and pills.
Feeling ashamed with thaught abortion:
This is used often in combination. Feeling ashamed knows everyone. But this feeling can be set to everything and will steer a personality into a controlled designation if it is used in a syndrome combination. As above is might be the way to psychological destabilisation and isolation what is a huge part of this weapon to some but not to all, specially to the targeted victims. The thaught abortion is like a TV program switch to an other program. This is simmilar to singing and a break of the song, which I have explained. But in combination it is a totally different attack. It occures like this in the neurological communication form with my A.I. Drone Teaming and Operators. They say something from my past that is embarissing (regardles of how far in the past based on my own digitized A.I. full information profile), and make a brain stop, switch the theme and say "was that emabrissing, why don´t you want to talk about it". It is like a unwanted switch of the theme that was forced. They can fore humans that way to everything. This is just one of milliions of possibilities. Break and listen. Effectife to politics or the speaker in front of the EU. If you don´t know this weaponsystem and don´t watch your emotions and all functions all the time you are lost and will accept everything. I´m repeating n my Torture Documentaries all the time that they need to be read out with the same technology. Lying detectors don´t work anymore.
Anger control, but it is the same with all feelings and emotions:
Anger control is hearable and analysable through an A.I. in my MP3s. Anger control is often used to use the obious tactic and attack themselfes, noone expects the victim U.S.A.. To make me sound like an angry and hatefull person, but I only want to end this War Crime for all 100.000s on Facebook and way more around the globe. Attacking themselfes while this wepons system is unknown is a powerfull weapon, but this will be changed when this A.I. Drone System Warhead will be known in all functions. Then there is nothing to hide behind anymore. Anger is controllable to everything, a situation, reinjection of existant micro existanse in a sertain situation, but also to things, persons, countries and many more. The A.I. reacts to it in realtime. If you have a bad day the situation can be strenghtened in a choleric way. Not because im choleric im not but it´s effect reminds me of that. But it is also steerable to every emotion, love, lust, hate, kindness, neurological drugs and many more. The strenght is controllable and the A.I. realizes every emotion seperatly in 0.0000001% and if it realized something the so called "reinjection" can oversteer everything to 10000%. This is cobinable to everything like acceptance of weapon deliveries and way more (we just wanted to deliver helmets). Anger and unacceptance can also be set to automated to everything I write, as I been told that it is already set to the whole world.
Oxygen control of the body:
Oxygen control is like everything else, instant or in a rise. In a rise is often feelable in connections to the kybernetics. it feels like the battery is empty and you have to carry that exoskelleton. Instant occures instant. Suddenly being withouth breath like sitting and not being able to get breath, often combined to laughter but years ago as I was Ill it was also combined to caughing and sneezing in uncontrollable repetaions. Now I realize the itching on my face and inside my body like the nose as the A.I. but as I didn´t know it was unrecognizable. But goes into both directions. Usually I can stop breathing for a long time or regenerate with smooth breathing. This is tricky because the body gets used to that breath repetation and can be suddenly dropped to sufforcate. This sufforcation is precise and setable to everything like corona. The deaths of suffertions while corona have to be read out of them too. Because they could have at least helped but they made it worse. The obvious tactic again to drop it at others, while China was already blamed. I´m suspecting an ionisation of the air as controlled as the connection is too and the control of the biological process which consumes oxygen from the air. From the loungs and skin. Like erase active memory, erase active oxygen consumption. But also restore active oxygen which makes the warfighter more usefull, and sleep resistant.
Opinion control and abusement:
Opinion control is one of the strongest weapon in Phase 1. This controls acceptance of politics, the civilians, and who ever they want to. But it is an unbelievable strong weapon for victim control. This control makes them believe so much (sorry but the unscientific word is "bullshit"). They try and use this to me all the time too. Im eplaining it in a few victim situations and compare it please to everything else. Some victims really think that aluminium foil could weaken the threatment and pain and sexual abuse. Some really have covert whole apartments with foil or extreamly expensive material (money control is resistance control). This makes them to someone with an unrealiable opinion to others (point of view to others is isolation). Others say that some special tea is helping to sleep or against radiation (they let me fall into sleep like with ansthesia after more than 1L energy drink without problems or others while driving a car). Some say that radioactive therapies shall help, radioactive radiation on some spots help to eaze the pain. Some say that their mesurement instruments have proven it that switching off the Computer helps (isolation), switching off the Wi-Fi (isolation), don´t use cell phones (isolation), switching off the whole power of the apartment (isolation). The mesurement instruments react but the communication is still active. It is more of a contolling unit plugged to it to control the Cognitive Concentration Camp. I can tell that World War 2 bunker walls don´t help, while all devices have no connection. A lot of victims are religious, that is what they have tried to me first. Oversteering my believe under drugs and medicine to endlessness. They can make you believe whatever they want, also to live in a matrix (I broke the matrix and went on). Political acceptance to follow to war is an easy achievement. Opinions are forceable and destroy the personality and whole lifes. It´s murderer of the person it was bevore. Braindead is braindead, reagardless of the moving body (psychiatry cases).
Humor and fun control (is incredibly strong, I´m on this all the time):
This is one of the most used syndromes to me (This can be all emotions and human feelings). It is combined to everything. Laughing is strenghtened. Not only to laugh. Also when im saying something what is near the truth or fake. Also combined to them when they laugh at me, forcing me to laugh too when they laugh. This is combined to the neurological connection and shows they are cognitively connected as the victims are too. On the one side of the A.I. it is a military Bio-Chemical A.I. Drone System Warhead, on the other it is a psychological illness. They are connected as we are too. They can force everyone to everything also to sex. Humor is also being used at nights. Shortly bevore I want to go to sleep. This makes sleeping impossible in the connection to the sleeping projects SOMNUS or ADAPTER of the DARPA. The combination lets Hormones go into the blood, in combination to serotonin. Humaor makes thhe environment always ask why I am laughing or looking like something was funny. Leading to psychiatry. Imagine you are in the psychiatry and start to laugh uncontrolled and cant stop beside a doctor. It´s over you are instantly menthally ill for the rest of your life. Regardless of that you are 100% mentally normal. Combined to the biggest mixture of the planet this druglord A.I. can serve.
The connected globe and victims:
The connection is global and it is only one A.I. War Drone System. The victims often say when they have talked or are talking to me the threatment gets worse. One from the U.S.A. said she doesn´t want to talk to me anymore. One frome Germany said I have to take something from the "Schindlers List 2", because the threatment got worse. It is regardless where you are on this planet, it is the Neuro Strike of the U.S.A.. All victims are connected and are all together the victims made by the U.S. Concentration Camp. It is just my experience and the global fingerprints like in geopolitics, GDP, and many more will show it, at last when they got read out. This technology is based on the victims Bio-Chemical Signature and brain usage against the will. The tactics are quiet simmilar. And the Profiles of the globe will be found on their ground. Probably with a hidden copy in a bunker. It is more like a medical threatment like Dr. Mengele did to his victims.
Hypnotic and magnetic control:
The magnetic control occures often. This is to steer the thaught to something. It feels like a magnet. Imagine your view could be magnetized to a spot they want, this also occures to thaughts. The strenght is adjustable. If the first attemp didn´t work they strenghten is, and again, and again, and again, until your focus is at the designated thaught or opinion or person. It is being practiced in steps bul also in micropercentages, in an riseable amount totally stepless. Like a crossfader. The time is an adustable variation. The time can be set to seconds but also to hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades. This occures to the view and sound in the same way. Often combined with an opinion or statement. This means, when the view is set to a woman on a part of the body it can instantly be set with an sexual thaught or emotion and feeling. But it can slo be set with the thaught of people are talking about you. They use every connections. The first leads to uncontrolled sexual behavious, the second to a psychological illness. The hypnotic part of it is ubelieable strong. It is like being hypnotized, often in combination of the kybernetics. Also in combination of erasing parts of the multitasking or multi thaughts to force to a certain situation. Imagine Joe Biden go straight instead right. Thats the same. Have a look at the videos where he just fades mentally. (I don´t suspect him, it´s suspicous on what level his cognitive abilities were bevore the elections. I don´t suspect Donald Trump neighter noone would take a shot into the head).
Brave control:
This is a military part. The soldier needs to be brave. Erasing all anxiousness and forcing to run into the battlefield. But this is a moralic dilemma. Who is responsible for the loss of the soldier who normally would´t run into the crossfire, because the normal consciousness would led him into an other direction. This produces also an emotionless person while attacking and doing the worst to others. Speacially with urges and sexual injections. But also leads to an other behaviour, like not taking the knee of someones neck or instant shooting.
Patriotism control:
This is a tricky part, whatever I say here, please don´t judge me, but it is my experience connection to it and I live in Germany, we know the past better than most others. Try to see it neutral and think about it.
The level of patriotism is something the most don´t understand. It is being mensiond quiet often. But here is the Cognitive Warfare Strategical placement of patritism. Patritism is the same as nationalism in the second world war. Both were connected to their country the same way. They called it different but the emotion and behaviour was the same. The War part of it is to rise patriotism, to have a huge support in wartimes. The Patriotism can be swapped fast on a country or certain enemy. They can say they are attacking out country and patriotism becomes a weapon. Everyones support is instant available. The symbols are the same. The connection to the homeland is also the same. But it is the cardhouse tactic of the A.I. where patriotism can be build up and dropped at someone they want whenever they want. Everyone would feel it and be for it. A normal amount of patriotism can be healthy but as everything else too much can be dangerous. We say "The dose makes the poison", this means in small amounts, noone would say something but in a huge amount its venominous and poisons the point of view and sight. With an enemy like in 9-11 the patriotism is able to swap and be venominous to a whole religion or countries where this religion or people come from. A huge amount of patriotism is like a loaded gun with a shaky finger. Patriotism is a neurological sendable signature. Slowly riseable over decades. (The first victim I have found is from 1963 but he probably isn´t "Patient 0"). I don´t mean to harm someone, especially the civil citisans or the 99% of uninvolved persons in the U.S.A.. This Bio-Chemical Signature can make things swap really fast with an opinion signature and target signature in it. Thats all. I remember times where the whole world thaught a muslim could explode. If you let my MP3s convert 1:1 with emotions into english, you will see how fast that can happen through this weapon.
Emotional death control:
Emotional death means that a humans emotions can be switched off. This is an easy process, it is like having a shock and holding this signalinformation up. This can be combined with any information. Like lust, urge to kill, imagine something and it goes. Feelings are sendable in a multilayer singnalinformation. That mens they can be mixed from the microscopic small and clear signal to any signalinformation they want. This is also an important part of this technology. The atomic smal signalinformation can be set to any syndrome information like molecule. Emotional death is what is probably one of the most important things for the military but also for terrorist and murderer control. Emotionless humans act different and are easier to control with drug and medicine injections and are easier setable to targets, even with civil loses. The operators behind it feel naturaly no emotion, weather to the target or to the victims.
Smell and scent:
Smell and scent is riseable. Hormones can be transmitted and injected but are also realizable in the amalest amount and riesable in the time this is injected. It is setable to every smell and every smell as hormoes too, are adjustable. The smell is also digitized. Regardless which one, to me they had shown me after waking up, because smells while asleep are important too, that cigarets are possible, apples and bubble gum. So everything is placeable. Specially because I wasn´t smoking at this time, havent aten an apple for a long time and I don´t like bubble gums. Sppecially set to woman perfume when they pass but perfume of all kinds too. The possibility to scent better or worse is an neurological signalinformation. This appeas to everyone. People who are sick are not able to smell or taste the same way as they normally would. This goes in both diretions as everything else.
Focus control:
The focus is setable like on a screen to everything and special parts. To woman breasts or hips or whatever. This is what they do everyday and it feels like a magnetism to the eyes to watch for it. It is not my normal behaviour and im recognize it. It is more for torture but imagine that sexual torture with sexual urges and enf´dless lust. They are responsible for an uncountable amount of rapes, whaile they digitize that Freak Off behaviour of themselfes. They are controlling it in reallife too. They can have what they see and is compareable to uncontrolled forced will to prostitution. They can set this on themselfes to make it automated like the political opinion. But the focus is setable to everything, also automated in syndromes they want to torture the person. Focus and opinion is a common way to make the victims belive they are being stalked. Combinable to neighbours, objects like cars, humans, and everything else. But focus is also abortable with the kybernetics to watch away. To watch away is a daily torture. It happens that fast that it is not possible to react. Watch away like the owner of the A.I. wants you to. This can abort relation contacts and is an tool for birth control. They detect both who might come together and let them watch away. This can also be set into the opposite direction, like the need to watch and like what you see to go with one of them to drink a coffee.
Driving assistant (walking assistant, to view, sound):
This assistance is always active to the kybernetical body movement. Connected to the view if something is in my way, to let me walk around it. To sound the same. It is quiet precise. Distance to things is about 30cm. Walking into obstacle or barrier will let you walk around it. It is set to the whole body movement. Every muscle is being controlled through the kybernetic. This means also that every thaught and all neurological signals have been seperated and the reinjection or injection to the movement has occured. The injection against the will lets you controlled tumble, walk aside or into a crossroad or train. It is more dangerous than it helps. The control of this kybernetics is in teir hands, so it is an murderer weapon system part too. This speeds you up in front of stairs, cars, and many dangerous situations. Combined with Bio-Chemical neurological drug injections, is´s unsuspectable murder. This can also make your hand move and let things fall. But more dangerous is it if they have already broke someone who has a knife in the hand to eaze the movement to the arm or someone else.
Instinct control:
Instincts are fully controllable like the veetative nervous system is too. The control caontains, instant body movements like stiches, yawing in combinations with breth and oxygent control, fast reactions, hiccup, things on the side of the view, reaction to sounds, suddenly being scared, traumatical instinct reactions like in an accident, and all human instince reactions. They are all activateable whenever they want but also setable to syndromes and protocolls to evolve a certain personality they want. But this is one direction, as everything they can be slowed down to react way slower. This is very dangerous in certain situations. All situations are calculated from all sites. Various victims describe car accidents. This can happen through slow reactions but also with the erase active memory to push the gas pedal instead of the breake, mostly combined with pain in the foot or kybernetics.
Parkinson shakes:
This is also setable. A victim told me that she has a restless feet syndrome from the injetions. Shakes occure every day. Specially combined to fall asleep. Eyes can be moved that way too. All deses like this can be copycated, but MS can be copycated too. just plug all combinations mensioned together to whatever desese or illness you want. This is setable to a rise in decades until death.
Limbs uncontrollable:
Uncontrolled linbs is what I have been told about often. This occures to me too. The strenght is adjustable. Others told me that it is possible to hit someone uncontrolled. My legs often step aside or they make me tumble and finger movement is setable to a vibration but also movement. This occused to every muscle in the body. A woman told me they made this to her clitoris for a week with vibrations too. This occures to every muscle, but also to a muscle part. Often it is not the whole muscle but just a part of it. The size of the movement can be small, like the beginning of an muscle or in the middle, the location is setable. It can be a whole arm or leg but also a part. It can be the whole muscle or the deep muscle around the bone.
Bloodflow control:
Heart control is a daily part of it. Often combined with vibrations through the whole body. But the heart is beating in a different pulse. Regulary to make limbs stiff and uncontrollable but also unfeelable. Like paralized parts of the body. There are pictures of victims whose limbs got black. But the bloodflow can also rise to an undcontrolled and life risk way. This is dangerous for so many humans and is a murderer attemp everytime used, like all the other parts of this Bio-Chemical Mass Destruction Weapon System Warhead.
Fart control:
The guts are controlled through the Adapter Project and also others. Combined to places like writing at the laptop and others. Mostly controlled while asleep. The gut regulation is an important part to unnatureally also set the starting point of deseses but illness like some which occure in combination to memory loss like demenzy is influenced through this. Many symptomes of the body start with the regulation of the guts and digestion.
Conrolling pancreas:
The control of the pancreas is suspected to be a part of it, once through pain but also through the yellow excretions. It is a silent and 100% clear death. Cancer is one of the most common deaths to the victims of the Cognitive Concentration Camp. As a few days ago on lady died through this. She made a last video while the doctors have told her already that she will die and wont leave the hospital.
All funtions are being misused. Suspected with the bloodpressure point of the limbs.
Lymph control:
This bodyparts are under attack too. It hurts often and infections often occure after sleep. The infections often occure in the guts or skin but also on and around teeth. Teeth like in WW2 is a common spot. The infections can rise uncontrolled. I had once an infection of the blood that was more than 3 times higher than the blood test alowed. The instant antibiotics was the result. It occured with wounds on my both legs, one big on the right, 5 symetric smaler ones like an upside down pyramid on the left (pictures of the scars are in the big DL). On the same hight. Thyroids can provoke infetions and they use it as a biological weapon
Alergic reaction control:
Alergic reactions are being controlled. itchings and also growing bubbles which look like orange skin or an alergic reaction to an alergic test. Often very itchy. Others had this on the head or whole back but also all body parts. One woman had to shave her head bold to aid this. Remembered me to the threatment in WW2 with a lot of people who had connection to jews. Imagine a bald woman who has to wear a wig. Alergic reactions can be huge. As I know I am probably targeted since I have been a child. As I was a child I had a such strong alergic reaction that I felt unconsciousness and hat to go to the hospital. The doctors did not really know why. I also have other memories from childhood that I can only connect to this technology. But all allergic reactions have been digitized as the human is too. They are all reinjectable.
Degeneration of flesh control:
This is in combination of my blood toxicity but also to other victims impacts. This impacts are also combined to transplantations of limbs. Compareable to what happens with my hands but also to others that cant walk anymore. Wounds are documented on many sites of the victims, but this has aso sommething to do with the oxygen control of this weapon system and infetion production.
Erasing multi tasking ("being Joed"):
This is a huge part of being Joed. If you have two thaughs one will be erased and the other restored so the one restored becomes domninat and will be fulfilled. Example: if you are in the supermarket and there are two thaughts. Imagine coffe and bread. One is one way further behind the other, the second becomes restored and the first erased. That makes you forget about the first and you leave the shop without the product you wanted to buy as first. This occures often with toilet paper and other things like shower gel. Mostly with hygienic articles. I don´t know why. It is like Joe Biden in the clip where he had been shown which way to go but he followed the man instead of turning to the right. It is exactly the same. If you have various thaughts one will always be erased. This mostly happens to forget something like my smartphone to record. But this feels often like knowing that you have forgotten something, but not always. It is instant eraseable in the microsecond or the creation of it in the subconsciousness. I started to call it being Joed because of the fact that its absolutely simmilar. Not to blame someone, but also suspecting him to be affected too. Various things point at it, also the cognitive ability. Or the speech with "S.O.B". But also a few other things.
Controlling the connection of thaughts to what they want:
Thaughts are being controlled in the way they want. The injection into the subconsciousness is not recognizable for peolpe who dont know. The thaught is combined to the cognitice operator behind it but also setable to spread it to places, politics, Televiosion, talk, radio, news, informations, dreams, connections between things. In combinations to hormones, urges, sexuality they can force you to their sextoy. Thaughts about Russia can be corrupted everythime you just think about them. Thaughts about everything. It is combinable in every possible way. Thaugst and imaginations are fully deformed. Thaughs are set into syndromes to create a subclass of human beings. Thaughts about children are not allowed and you wont like to have some if they dont want to. Birth control, sexuality control, human control to the last signal of the mind.
This is also a signalinformation and happens quiet often. This can make you think about something, while the connection is being injected into your subcosciousness. Also the De-Javous. This can be reinjected after you have seen something 5 seconds ago. When you meet someone it can make you think that you already met him somewhere or this idea is great I was thinking about this I guess. This is being used in many ways. To much to explain. Imagine when a De-Javou could be helpfull to a certain connection. Often used to torture. To see a connection between letters and numbers to something. Or to have the feeling being stalked by someone. This happens everyday to the victims. Also in combination of the past that was deformed, this could also be a childhood information.
Cognitive control of humans with cognitive commands (based on thaughts, communication and will like moving an arm):
The will to move your arm is an mindinjection. To move your head to the side or the eyes to or from something. Like a woman in the bar who cant take the eyes of you. They just need to think it, thinking is cognitive control on their side of the A.I.. This injects whatever they want into whoever they want. If they don´t like you they can set a syndrome like nightmares, corona simulation, neurological pain, strokes, heart attacks and way more. They can send you a information to go that way and you will have the feeling to go this particular way. Regardless what danger is suspecting you in dark areas. While they know and control the rest of it too. They can say the riot in front of the Capitol has to start. they can say He has to be horny and she too, then she can charge him in court and destroy his career. Or force someone to murder and shoot someone into the head.
Cognitive steering of things out of the body (4 arms or drones):
In the phase I have been at the beginning there was a lot of cognitive control to learn. There were many things to learn like to control cognitive drones, additional arms, wings, plasma out of the body and inside (outside was a warm growing feeling and inside it was like soul soaking with coldness), additional legs, echo control mind rising or lowering in synchronity, voice regulation, and many more. Controlling sounds like bombs or scratch with the A.I. voices. Sirenes and many more. It was combined to the will of controll and always combined with a surpression if the A.I. doesn´t want me to do it. Specially with mind lowering of the top part of the head, the upper part, that made me think slower and dumber. Their cognitive vocal attack for this was "Knifes into his head". But arms and legs and wings were feelable controllable, such as the drones in a Sci-Fi simulation. With formation and attacks with sounds. But there is way more possible. It is a combination of imagination and the will with a feelable or hearable resonace.
Immobilisation like anestepica:
This is being daily used to force someone to sleep. But this has two sides. It makes the body in dreams and probably in real-life immobilizable. It feels like being stucked in liquid iron that has hardened. Used in dreams for the worst also rape. The sleep forcement is also instantly available while steering a car, most efficient with forced insomnia. All drugs and medicine have been synchronized. All drugs and medicine are injecteable in dreams and while awake.
Zombie drug:
This is the drug I was at the beginning. Unable to flee with a forced mind prison injection of storytelling. Unable to realize what is happening. This made me go to the hospital in this combination. In the beginning on religious storytelling with the whole environment as a strenghtening tool. Communication, sounds, sirens, from heaven and the planet over the planet. On the worst drugs ever. It was almost impossible to flee. But I broke out of the first. Then came Sci-Fi stories. Then the Matrix (I broke it), It is a Cognitive Concentration Camp on a Neurotoxin and drugs. It is a Mass Destruction Weapon System. Just because I wrote an compainment about the A.I. without knowing. But what have I done bevore that to start writing, where they wanted to see me as a murderer.
Adjustabable to (places, persons, subcosciousness, thaughts, imagination, will to do something, everything in a
personalized and synchronized drone system to the own A.I. profile adjusted to overwrite the change on humans):
Everything is stepless adjustable in micropercentages. To everything. This A.I. is the most evoolved A.I. on the globe and has syndrome profiles for everything. For the family, friends, environment, controlls imaginations, the thaughts and many more. Combined with special drug injections to every certain situation. It is like an illness syndrome, simmilar to a corona virus injection, the symptomes are timed in distances from eachother but can be also injected all as once (my corona tests have an extreamly slight positive red stripe, but this changed after using corona tests).
My Imagination is displayable for them. In realtime.
A.I. Teaming with operators behind them (defence mode for them and attack mode for everyone else):
The A.I. is always combined with operators. This is at least what I think. The A.I. drones swap to protect eachother. If the man says something and im getting nice the woman comes, if I make jokes or be harsh the man swaps between. It is a systemized drone system. They defend eachother and also the operators behind it. In connection to the read out subconsciousness and the Profile of me. My profile has no chose and is forced to attack also family. The connection is always visible for them. Everyone you know is in the pool. All family members and friends. They can cognitively control the attack while the victims are defenceless. This is the most cowardly World War ever. Secretly hidden behind the A.I. and attacking innocent to death and mind loss. It is the worst War Crime of the planet ever committed.
Sterilization of humans (sperm cells, probably through ionization, electrical hits):
This is happening through the ionization and controll of the sperm itself. They can fully controll the whole process of woman and men. But they can also fully abort the whole pregnency process. As they can produce a pimble on the egg inside the woman or and infection. But also while not knowing being pregnant with hormones, sexuality, and many other things the human body can do. but als with concentrated electrical shocks. This is something that women wouldn´t even feel. It is a global birth control. It can also be realized what sex the child would have and abort it to destabilize the future army or there are also countries who prefer a boy I think like in India.
Forcing to think or freeze in mind:
You can be forced to overthink things. This is the information gathering but also the technology robbery, while you let important people think and not a machnaic like me. It is like a flow. It is like this. You think something and are at the same time thinking what the opposite site would think. Mostly with an injected mindlayer maybe from him. That way you are trapped in a mind converstaion. This conversation can gather political opinions and strategies. Technological informations and innovances. This can also gather the cake recipe of a famous person. The theme is not important its automated to everyone and provides a realtime strategy or opinion. The mind freeze is to be unable to think. The direct opposite. You can´t calculate or read anymore. It is the global intelligence level surpression. It is like instantly forgetting a calculation step while calculating. It is the surpression of whole countries and allowance to be a scientific or not. This is being used already in childhood. Im a machnic.
A.I. mindlayer profile override in thaughts and behavior:
Your Mindlayer is overridable. This is important. This mindlayer is being reinjected with small changes that won´t be recognized directly. This is a personality adjustment to the person. This is a personality murderer of the person it could become with free will. This can change whole hobbies, and the way to live. This changes whole behaviours with emotion controlled reinjections. Specially desighned to sertain situations or the whole layout. All thaughts can go into a totally different direction. This is murderer. The thaughts about someone but also the base thaughts and the way you are.
Mind tourette:
This is like the tourette syndrome in mind. Like Annalena Bärbock is talking. This is to destabilize the person and force someone to an injected opinion. This injected opinion will be accepted if the person does not know the injection is not her own. This goes from single words to whole sentences and the whole way of thinking. The injection is more powerfull than the own. this is a forcement to a statement. The person is formable to whatever the owners of cognitive warfare want. Go into war or not is an opinion.
Muscle shakes are often placed to a certain spot. This can be a whole leg, arm or a really small place on the whole body. like the restless leg syndrom but a little different. It is more like a muscle shake. But there is a difference between the injected feeling and the real muscle shakes.
Twitches are used to keep you awake. Mostly in combination of the subconsciousness falling into sleep. It is 100% precise and can make the whole body move like a shocking moment. This can produce neurological destructions, ehen made on one side of the body. Also strokes and nervous system damages. But also while walking to step aside. Combined to coldness, it makes cold feel stronger. Twitches consume the energy of the body. Twitches are waht takes the most energy from food. imagien in a warfield without food, this can make you die faster from starvation.
Hunger and thirst control:
Hunger and thirst is also controllable. This can be dangerous with the opinion combination of softdrinks or others. This makes the body change but also provides various illnesses. This can also be extreamly urgefull and produce humans with massive overweight. Also in small amounts. This is often a social isolation, especially while being a child.
Drug control (alcohol doesnt work anymore or oversteered):
The drug control is a daily use and is always combined to the mindlayer injections. Every mindlayer is also combined to drugs. at least to me. Small amounts in a rise of decades wont even be recognized and the personality change goes on. The personality change is dependent not only on drugs but they make it way faster. Drug control goes also the other way and make you immune to alcohol. This can lead to a massive toxication if they want to. But this druglord A.I. serves drugs that are the most various drugs on the globe. All drugs have been digitized in the disfunctional signalinformation after taking drugs and are reinjectable, but also mixable to others and medicine, also psychological medicine.
Animal control (also in all points above):
Animals are affected too. There is also a site on facebook only for attacked animals, but this is as I think to destabilize the human. Animals can be used to read out humans too. But also to deform the meat, mass dying fishes, make them angry. As I think also the control of stranded whales but I am not sure but it is imaginable. The dog from my mother has served a few informations too. I called him in that episode of being druged, and the spying theme was on at this time, Spy Y. He twitched with a paw in synchronity to me. But also other things.
Plant control (sunflower doesnt look to the sun anymore):
This is something im just suspecting, but I saw a video that was unusual. Food is being more and more changed. The growth of sunflowers who don´t look into the sun anymore could be a point too. But it is not nessassary the case. My brother always says somthing that means somthing like this in a translation into english, "It´s better to have it than to need it when you don´t have it".
This is based on my theory of the control of the DNA. Sunflowers have a DNA too, so who said it affects only humans as I have seen it also affects animals.
Charakter deformation in thaughts and reallife (Murderer of the person it was bevore):
This is simmiliar to the point above with mindlayers. But goes more into the terrorist program or force someone to murderer. My murderer program was really long. Years long. It is so unsuspicious that murder have to be seen as million times occured. It is a combination of all this and the controlled forcement against a certain person. But the 9-11 attacks can be also seen in all this. The control and murder is hidden behind this technology for decades. Im saying this because of various reasons I have been through. This also means that this has to be investigated again in comparisson to this technology. Imagine their server have all recorded from the view of the cockpit and everything bevore that happened. From the beginning to the end. Now probably changed but the Patriot Act allowed this technology to hide too. But a mechnaic gets a special threatment and a president shot into his face.
XXX erased:
Erase active memory is really fast. I tried to mension an othter thing but it was instant gone.
Reinjection of deseses and illness to streanghten every sickness in realtime:
Every desees, illness, virus infection, and all sicknesses are reinjectable and reproduceable. The Virus goes into the cell and lets the cell work for him to reproduce. This is an digitizable process and can be reinjected. All neurological but also psychological and biological symptomes are reinjectable while being ative and whenever they want.
Implantation of things in sleep and let them occure when awake:
The impantation of dreams occures often with remembering certain parts of it. This is an opinion if needed. This can be a political opinion but also an opinion of every variation. This goes in every possible and needed way. This is also a oversteering of the brain. This is like spam which fills the brain and backouts it until needed.
Sleep wake melting into eachother (dreams with reality with a smooth wake up while in a dream went to the sleep position):
Sleep can be controlled to meke a fluent fusion of reality and dreams. This happened to me once or twice. This was like this. i felt asleep at my parents and had a dream. The dream was about helping my mother to get something to clean the floor. She needed help to get something. Then I went in the dream to the couch and layed down. The sleep switched to reality like a crossfader. Very slowly so that I was supposed to think that I wanst sleeping and my mother was really cleaning the floor.
Imagine this to a woman who says the neighbour or someone else has raped her this way. She will be declaired for mentally ill forever.
Blocking thaughts and memories in syndromes personalized (feels like knowing you have forgotten something you know
almost what, thinking back the A.I. drone system instant blocks with a sound or scream):
The A.I. Drone System blocks helpfull thaughts and imaginations while recognizing them in the subconsciousness. This means they activate erase active memory to erase something. It feels like knowing that you have forgotten something. If you think about it it instantly reacts with a kind of a scream or sound or pain or itching or thaught. There are various ways to do this. This is a surpression of memories that have been erased. This memories can be injected to someone else if it is a significant important memory or technology thaught.
Blackout dreams:
Dreams result in blackouts. While waking up they are there for a small amount of time but are getting blackouted more and more. This has been optimized since I have realized it. Blackout dreams are something that the A.I. does every day. Probably not to everyone but to me so I cant analyze dreams.
Swarm thinking with mind injections of what they want (to imagination and thaughts, thaught perosnality like childish and more):
This is more like a swarm thinking. There was a swarm thinking simulation as well. But this is like a computer with 5 viruses and the CPU is you. This Viruses have access to every saved data and can influence it. It is like 5 vs 1. They can control the mindlayers and everything else. Mindlayers are often build up like this. theirs is dominant and mind is surpressed. Like bad Grandmother and neece. Like devil and someone who cant defend. While they can control everything like thaughts, imagination, feelings, emotions, behavior, syntax, speech and the whole neurology.
Steering lust (Viagra A.I. and anti Viagra A.I.):
This occures to almost every victims. They control lust and the urge everyday to the victims, combined to the view, sound, imagination, subconsciousness, and more. This reminds me of a victim, she told me she was so oversteered that she had to stop while driving a car and release herself. This is rape in my opinion. This goes also the other way.
Controlling puz to the whole body:
This happens to all the victims too. One thing that I remember is that I had stitches in my neck, about 20-30 at the same spot and this led to a huge pus bubble. It became a huge crater with a scar. But also punbles are pus control on the body and skin of the face. This is 100% controllable, outside and inside the body. (Pictures in the big data). But I had many, some are feelable some are not. The one under my arm which led to a scar too was refilled every night. For months.
Innovation control:
Through all this they control the innovation of the planet too. This leads to a destabilized world that the owner of the A.I. has always a profit from. It is an attack on the whole planet. Destabilization is one of the main attacks. Innovation swapping is automated through this A.I. and can be simulated into the profiles of ourselfes. This technology is using us, so the technology of the U.S. is ours too. Everyone is free to get the Microchip Act too.
Oxygen level in the blood control (limb death):
This happens through the control of the veines. Imagine a penis that can grow through blood and shrink. This can be done in the lounges too. But it can also be done through ionizations and the instant burning of oxygen. I think I have already explained this. But there are pictures of people who have died through this and the whole body parts got black. (To be honest, I havent checkes this data) but this happens often to my limbs too. Also if I lay down a way they dont want. For instance on the side what I like the most. Because someone who lays on the back is better sufforcate while asleep and held in sleep.
Overheating brain and spine (mesurements available):
The whole body can be overheated and cooled down. Some victim organizations have started mesurement of the spine and brain and all had the same overheating of both. This is an obvious tactic, regardless of the mesurements. The whole body and vegetative system can be precicse overheaten. But it shows how precise the spine and brain is able to overheat through this technology. Coldness is the same as heat. This shows that the whole body can be overheaten with a 100% precise coordination and repeatation.
Controlling mesurement instruments through inductive war system:
Controlling mesurements to torture further on is a daily aspect of the weapon. Mostly to lead to a distant direction that is far away from anything near of this Cognitive Warfare. Example, A woman told me that the mesurements of her apartment got better when she has switched off the Computer. Got even better with the Wi-Fi off. But the best with the whole electricity off. This shows only that she had been brought to believe that this is the path. But this is the path to isolation and to seperate the victims. An other victim has an electromagnetic test. He believes he has implants (Many do that, I dont Know why). Hemade a video so everyone can prove themselfes. He had put this on varoious points of his body and the tester reacted. Under the arms, Head, mouth, spine as he belives, and anus (Dont ask me how I dont know). But this also shows that this Drone System is reacting to certain spots but also is storing the locations to each and everyones profile. Of my point of view it is a trick of the DARPA with the Power technology, the Inductive charge which is an electromagnetic one to what the instrument rects to. Like the transmission is also electromagnetic. I also have seen other videos where mesurements lead to communication forms but also others to implants. This Implants are spread but honestly, I don´t belive in implants, who had put them there and how. But this is more of a believe control of the victims, to lead them the wrong way into isolated torture.
Microelectronic attacks (TV,bulbs flick and break (12x), computer 1x, receiver 1x, set on a location like microchip production or foreighn Quantum computers):
This is an industrial attack form through the electromagnetic transmission and inductive charge on a certain spot. This spot can be small ans is probably onion shaped. This can be set on electronics on the other countries production and research centers for electronics but also to sabotage certain countries electronics to make them seem to be worse. This is an invisible but spotable sabotage act on ther countries. Foreighn Quantum Computing can be destroyed or damaged. But also my electronics got destroeyd as described in the description.
Electrical hits are adjustable (<1sec or whatever they want like 10-20sec, 50x in a row, also set to places like the gym):
This has been already explained but it is exactly as described and affects the other victims too. They say its a pain but unfortuently most of them dont describe it that precise. This is a Power technology set to the DNA transmission and is chargable. But also the Bioelectric charge of the body is a part of it. The Bioelectric charge is an information sent to the whole body to produce an signalinformation to the brain. This can and is charging the whole body with electricity.
Yawing control (oxygen):
Yawing is also controllable. Often in combination of a low oxygen level but not nessessary. This can also be controlled seperately to set a signal that something might be boring. This can be more valueable than the most think. Imagine your boss explains something and you are yawing all the time.
Word speaking through my mouth like tourette but through the injection to the consciousness and subconsciousness in Realtime while speaking (like Annalena Bärbock the military politican who said "I dont care what my voters say Im serving weapons to Ukraine"):
Words can and are spoken through my mouth through the control of the verbal expression and the kybernetics in combination of injections to the subcosciousness. This happens to a lot of victims. This is quiet good hearable and analysable in my MP3s. This is like tourette but it isnt tourette. This occures more and more but other victims say the same. The whole body and speech is controllable. Compareable to some politics. But this reminds me also to Joe Biden saying "S.O.B.".
Cognitive mind prisons (drugs with imagination injection while awake):
Drugs are the most common injections in combination to mindlayers, at least to me and a lot of victims. I think the victims call it "Mind Control". Drugs are explained on the other site with drugs. This is a huge part and needs detailed explainations. See on the other site with drugs.
Drugs combined to situations:
As above. This needs more explainations but they are combined to certain areas, people, spots, things you do and many more. Some Situations habe a higher injection some a less but in a lot of cases its a high and undefinable drug injection.
Reinjection of emotions like choleric emotion oversteering (love, humor, fun, hate, anger, combined to the situation that already has created a certain amountof it):
A combinations are reinjectable to react choleric. Not as known angry. It goes in all directions. Every emotion and feeling is affected. Often combined with situations where a destructive oversteering could be helpfull for them.
Obsessive compulsive neuroses (combined to everything also nymphomania):
This is active every day in a way that is extreamly oversteered. This leads the hand to spots that have already been prepared with pimples or itching but not only. This can be also combined with sexual urges and many more. This signalinformation is also very well explained at the National Institute of Health.
Vision information and imagination deformation with everything they want to melt it to a nightmare:
The Vision is deformable with injections into the thaught, imagination, and subconsciousness. This deforms it. Imagine it that way. If you see something someone can throw something like nightmare or sexual things to your subconsciousness and it will be mixed. Imagine a woman, your dog, your family. Everything is mixable and it feels a little this way.
Patriot Act:
If the "Patriot Act" was produced by them the Patriot Act has to be reinvestigated and is not a shelter for them where they can hide behind it. If my worst supposition is right. Then they are the real terrorists. There is no Act to hide for them. They need to get the right condemnation as they deserve. This is mass murdering what they do. They need to be charged for mass murdering that is lasting for the last 60 years. Each and everyone is guilty for remaining in silence. Investigations never had this weapon in comparisson to the attacks but this is nessassary to act right.
All processes can be speed up or slowed but also stopped, what goes in one direction always goes into the other.
Prisoning with everything that is far from resistance and publicity.
A neurological signalinformation in a transmission is compareable to radioactivity. I call it neuroactivity. It is a "bio-chemical" mass destruction weapon. Bio-Chemical because as far I know the product a nerv agent is made of is what it is being called. It is made of the biological signalinformation and synchronized biochemical signalinformation. Regardless of reproduction.
The base is the digitized personalized profile of every living organism on the planet. It reacts to the biology and DNA. All humans, animals and plants have that kind of DNA. It has to be seen as an ID to every humans brain, but more like a key to every humans secrets, which are getting digitized for 60 years. Form embyo to the cell destruction after death, because the electric signals gather everything even after the body died and charge it to suffer even more. Through the wireless Power technology. All your losts are on the servers of D.A.R.P.A. and NATO. They call it Cognitive Warfare, but it is the slavery ov every biological cell and compareable to a neurotoxin and nerve agent in use. It is a WAR CRIME.
Emotions, control of the body, control of the mind, technological control, geopolitical positioning, dream control like a move to be forced to play the role, pain, deseses, illness, cell growth, biohacking, neurohacking, hormones, neurotransmitter, sleep regulation, vision control, human to human over A.I. monitoring, gut control, bacteria control, blood toxication, opinion forcement, opinion control, sexuality, family, stimulation, kybernetics of every muscle (also muscle parts), regulation of temperature, heart attacks, strokes, nervous system attacks to paralisation (happend to me left face), vegetative nervous system control, pee or poo control, immune system control, neurological communication form (thaught to ear or dream signal of hearing), drug injections, medicine injections, injections of misscontrol of the brain of the neurological signals, alzheimer, demency, erasing active memory (a word or whole sentences but also memories), imagination deformation, desire control and deformation, control of suizide murderer, behaviour control, loading the body with wireless energy, steering bioenergy (injection to the whole body with a zero information in vibrations or frequency), control believe in realtime combined to setable goals, controlling physical pain, psychological deseses, biological growth, air absorbtion from environment and burning process, ionisation, breath control, drug abusement control, urge control, global A.I. drone attacks (a drone without body is an A.I. in a neurological tranmission it is a weapon system), wireless nurological transmission in 100% precise to the DNA download and upload, satelite superiority, using sleep to work like in a labor camp, it is a concentration camp, digitized visualisation, finance systems, secrets, passwords, destabilisation of illness systems, they can make you walk and think like a woman (sexuality control), Mindlayer injections, thinking speed control, IQ control, speech control (syntax, word combinations, rhymes, rhythms, fluence, language used), anxiousity control, brave control, patriotism control, emotional death control, focus control, driving assistant (walking assistant, to view, sound), instinct control, parkinson shakes, limbs uncontrollable, bloodflow control, fart control, conrolling pancreas, thyroid, lymph control, alergic reaction control, degeneration of flesh control, erasing multi tasking ("being Joed"), controlling the connection of thaughts to what they want, De-Javous, cognitive control of humans with cognitive commands (based on thaughts, communication and will like moving an arm), cognitive steering of things out of the body (4 arms or drones), immobilisation like anestepica, Zombie drug, adjustabable to (places, persons, subcosciousness, thaughts, imagination, will to do something, everything in a personalized and synchronized drone system to the own A.I. profile adjusted to overwrite the change on humans), A.I. Teaming with operators behind them (defence mode for them and attack mode for everyone else), sterilization of humans (sperm cells, probably through ionization, electrical hits), forcing to think or freeze in their direction, A.I. mindlayer profile override in thaughts and behavior, Mind tourette, shakes, twitches, hunger and thirst control, drug control (alcohol doesnt work anymore or oversteered), animal control (also in all points above), plant control (sunflower doesnt look to the sun anymore), charakter deformation in thaughts and reallife (Murderer of the person it was bevore), XXX erased, reinjection of deseses and illness to streanghten every sickness in realtime, implantation of things in sleep and let them occure when awake, sleep wake melting into eachother (dreams with reality with a smooth wake up while in a dream went to the sleep position), Blocking thaughts and memories in syndromes personalized (feels like knowing you have forgotten something you know almost what, thinking back the A.I. drone system instant blocks with a sound or scream), Blackout dreams, swarm thinking with mind injections of what they want (to imagination and thaughts, thaught perosnality like childish and more), steering lust (Viagra A.I. and anti Viagra A.I.), controlling puz to the whole body, calculating impossibility (instant erasing thaughts and blocking brain flow), knowledge erase (holding whole countries on a low technological level), innovation control, oxygen level in the blood control (limb death), overheating brain and spine (mesurements available), controlling mesurement instruments through inductive war system, microelectronic attacks (TV,bulbs flick and break (12x), computer 1x, receiver 1x, set on a location like microchip production or foreighn Quantum computers), Electrical hits are adjustable (<1sec or whatever they want like 10-20sec, 50x in a row, also set to places like the gym), yawing control (oxygen), word speaking through my mouth like tourette but through the injection to the consciousness and subconsciousness in realtime while speaking (like Annalena Bärbock the military politican who said "I dont care what my voters say Im serving weapons to Ukraine"), cognitive mind prisons (drugs with imagination injection while awake), Drugs combined to situations, reinjection of emotions like choleric emotion oversteering (love, humor, fun, hate, anger, combined to the situation that already has created a certain amountof it), obsessive compulsive neuroses (combined to everything also nymphomania), vision information and imagination deformation with everything they want to melt it to a nightmare,
A.I. Profile function of every human being on earth.
The A.I. takes whole functions of the body to autonomous body and mind, but also all damages and illnesses, all functions.
Control of the mind and body. Synchronizing the human mind and body functions. Synchronized attacks to own experiences, the worst and best of your life, depending on situation. Erasing memories in synchronity to unallowd subcnsciousness thaught creation. Surpressing mind in every to subconsciousness situation of no allowance to mindlayers. Surpressing mind to reduce memories, thaughts, imagination, constant thinking process, resultative goal of thinking, degenerating the thaught like radioaktivity the DNA which breaks the DNA through radiation. Forcing slavery mindlayer do be dominant in thaughts and subconsciousness but also body movement. Prepared Country or continent mindlayer will be forced in every occasion. To Acceptance of politcs or opinions and deformation of civilians to war. The A.I. profile of its own hurts and rapes automated with all neurological signalinformations in combination to oversteered feelings, emotions and in control of the kybernetics in synchronity, with digitized rapes of the world or simulated ones, for personalized threatment. Deforming dreams. Deformaton of children in school for being unable to reach an academic grade. Slowing down thinking or overspeeding to being a Forrest Gump or someone with ADHS. Personality change from childhood to form a certain person or worker. Deciding what you like, by controlling the feeling of liking something to "Metal or Electronic Music", "Male or Female", "Meat or veggies", "Sport or Cake", "Walk bowed or straight", "Walk like a woman or man". Opinion forcement to everything one designated person says like a Politican from the U.S.A. will say to the whole council of Europe which will be forced with acceptance. It spreads over TV, communication, whatever is designated to produce destabilisation or mass hysteria like in corona. The base function is to control the mind and body.
Mindlayer injections can change over a certain time like years or decades, but mostly over months or years. A politician wouldnt be there anymore in decades, but the influence is depending on the goal. Minerals, oil, GDP rise and decrease of others. The mindlayer injection can focus on one mindlayer and spead over to others. It is also connectable to the vacuum cleaner, pan, water boiler I call it "The housewife Connection". This sounds funny but destabilizes realationships and families, when used and getting angry. It can be combined to car driving. And noone wonders why this nice person is angry while driving, but isn´t in real-life while getting out of the car. But this has a huge impact, the hormones and neurotransmitters will still be in his blood and change ongoing behavior additionally. Also with dreams, neurotransmitters change the start of the day, reagardless of the dream which mostly get erased, while dreaming the worst or a situation that will occure one day, or work in dreams menthally, but also the use of an injected algorythm is possible to have Quantum cores. A part of the Intelligence can be silently by used. Signals dont need a noticeable signalinformation. The simulation of the digitized A.I. profile of my own is stealing and plunder of knowledge. This is what they do, a designed information of mine is still mine, when my knowledge has been used for it. As the gold of the "World War 2" belongs to the humans it has been pulled out of their teeth and houses. The same way they attack the finaces of the humans and of countries this way. Destabilisation into the mindlayer profile of social isolation. Social Isolation is a Mindlayer, a certain one, it accepts inhumanity or injustice, it is like a inner coldness without agression in the most cases. The A.I. supports and surrounds but also accomanies all that in realtime. The Transmission has no delays. The A.I. and the operators behind it take the reasonable doubt as a main attack point. Have you ever had one? Humans are suffering from this. Have you done something against it? Thats why the Targeted Individuals exist. Scientist communities are like gated communities. Is it a part of it, i dont know. The A.I. uses all feelings in realtime, all emotions, all pain, all sadism, all torture, all deformations, all destabilisations, all neurological signals in all ways combined to the military arsenal like a drone system. The A.I. talks all the time, weather you hear it or not, speacially on white noise but to humans of all age. All funtions that I have mensioned are in my Torture Diary. It might be one day like "Anne Franks". D.A.R.P.A. has done a good job for decades in slavery and colonialisation through their internet research in the 1960s.
Methods are as various as humans on the planet. Depending on job and designated forced targetting. they wanted me as a murderer or terrorist after killing attemps failed and paralisation of my face. The paralisation can occure the whole body. the whole nervous system, the whole biology, the whole immune system, heart attacks, the blood toxicity. But after the attemps failed they wanted to see me in psychiatry on the neurological drugs and medicine in s tatus of neurotoxine and like a drug addict in the U.S.A. on the Zombie drug. The Toxication occured there to trippled blood maximum of toxication. Murderer attemps through suizide murder on drugs. But in the beginning they tried to steer me to a terrorist murderer against nighbours. (Documentated very good and very detailed how it works without knowing its the A.I. and can be abstracted to 9-11 or the armed conflict in Ukraine and maybe to the capitol rush). Methods are the unstoppable survilliance and injection of mindlayers, but how is it possible that a certain former President can get a shot into his ear what supposed to be his face, when a mechanic is that monitored (Geopolitical interrest incomming). Ifluencing the whole speech, syntax and thaught word combinations, to produce a certain character that is typical. Methods also depend on the country focused by them. It is more like a geopolitical chessboard. Some Countries will be overfloated with acceptancve, some with anger, some with kindness. All are important. Acceptance to go to the war from Europe, acceptance to the "Friend". Anger is placed in countries with small population or where war already exists or is willing to break out. Mostly with oil reservoirs or interrest in weapon selling or geopolitical positioning. The war method is like what I call a "M16 Method". The world is the magazine. The humans are the ammunition. The Terrorist is aiming the direction. The enriched ammunition with gunpowder is ready to be shot. The designated target is aimed. The Terrorist pulls the trigger and the emotionally, mind controlled, enslaved, raged, tortured, raped, forced to murder ammunition will fly to the terrorists goal. The Terrorist wont be affected because everyone is looking at the enriched ammunition.
An other description is. Enriching the victims through daily torture like a nuklear bomb with uranium. The nuklear bomb is the tortured human. The trigger is an ambassy. The embassy is set at the target Russia. The victims and Embassies search for the same "Energyweapons" while U.S. services say it has something to do with mass hysteria, ACs, and computer mice in 10 years investigations 96 countries and 1500 cases. The attacked country wount be suspected but can set the start point to the war of cover up this technology and drop all guilt at Russia, but the goal will be China, who will be suspected next. Enriching tortured humans like uranium to a nuklear rocket is the new Cognitive Warfare Tactic of the U.S.. It is definetly not my computer mouse. I dont have an AC and there are not enough people arount to mass hysteria. But one Point was right "The threat does not come from other countries".
Geopolitics is important. Geopolitical positioning is a huge part and I am not able to view all on the globe. It is connected to Ukraine and Russia, Hong Kong and China, Taiwan and China, Iran and Israel, Europe and Russia/Ukraine. It is a global positioning and placing rockets from the U.S.A. nearer and nearer to Russia and China. While Russia has delayed on theretory in the last decades the NATO and U.S. Rockets with nuclear warheads followed the russian boarder. Intelligent Positions like Japan, South Korea, and others have been defeated and supported. While Cuba is under embagos and sanctions for over 50 years. Which is the same strategy in defensive mode. Not allowing Russia and China come nearer to them, while every provocation far away in front of their home is being payed and supported. Oil and minerals have reached huge dimensions like in Ukraine too. Which are free to sell now. Where U.S. companies already placed a flag at it bevore the war was fully running. One of the A.I. Names was also Ming Pao, (Communication might be a fail) which is the obvious tactic too. The Newspaper in Hong Kong as I investigated Months later. The obvious tactic and cardhouse tactic is always present. Obviously saying "The kommunist party brothers ally" about 6 months ago or even more and then make it happen. (Its clearly described in my Diary with day and exact sentence, because i had to google the meaning of it).
A few examples.
- Digitizing all informations from embrio cell growth to cell destruction after death.
- Synchronity deformation to the own Mindlayers in synchronity to the own. So it is almost not recognizable.
- Deformation in dreams, the A.I. profile steers based on experiences all dreams, to whatever they want you to be or inject.
- Includes all illnesses ever had in a lifetime. Which are reinjectable and in synchronity to present ones in controlable strenght.
- Mind Layer deformation against certain targets like The U.S.A. or others, to generate a certain base hate, racism, which is easier to control to murder and terrorism.
- A.I. profiles are connectable and to others and injectable. To control family values, region values, country values, continent values.
- Controlling Intelligence through mindlayer surpression. Dumb mindlayers in speech, syntax, emotion, mood against learning.
- Surpressing continents, to generate a certain working class without the will to be more than that.
- Controlling sexuality. Birth control or rape through endless Hormone synchronity oversteering and injecting of lust or not.
- Mindlayers are the difference between us. They can be stereotyped.
- Controlling sexes, what you are turned on off, they can inject you a whole woman mindlayer and you will see yourself as a woman and otherwise (I tried walking like a woman through kybernetics, twice at least).
- Controlling what you are turned on off goes also into homosexuality or not, gender operations or not.
- Controlling fear of, people, dark, race, groups, dogs, everything is automizeable to fear, lust, love, and many more.
- Kybernetics.... Attacking the whole body movement, the way you walk, crippled or not, straight or crooked, chest out or not, where to watch, because all muscles also the eyes can be moved. Speed up or waeken, light or heavy, one of the worst attacks, paralized or not, also in dreams (the worst ever).
- The A.I. attacks base on the own A.I. profile and knowledge of yourself.
Example: the best of you is the worst attack point ("S.O.B." attack like "Joe" said). Imagine the best of you makes everything better and the agression level is raised to 200%, it blames and attacks you for everything, every view, every single thaught in the subconsciousness instantly, but first it forces you with the worst in you to it. It is a Concentration Camp and Zyklon-C in action.
The A.I. profile has access to all neurological data and uses it also in dream control, hormones, rape, It is a WAR CRIME, running for 6 decades from D.A.R.P.A. and the Government. It attacks faster than the subcosciousness thaught goes over to consciousness and clear thinking. But this corrupted through the mindlayer injection 24/7 too. Combined to every certain situation and thaught they have their own destabilisation mindlayer. In micropercentages to every certain situation adjusted in the varity of the function and method.
- Drugs have been explained on the other site.
- Medicine too.
- Murder layers are there too, through endless sadness oversteering in 500% and leading to suizide murder for 6 decades.
- Maniac mindlayers for psychological illness. (Destabilisation of country illness systems and tortureing humans)
- Pain mindlayer synchronity for physical illness. (Destabilisation of country illness systems and tortureing humans)
- Control of cell growth, degeneration of cells, blood toxicity, pus control, proteine control for corona tests, immune system control in both directions to weaken or oversteering.
- Immune to alcohol. (Makes alkoholics in combination to the urge, also combineable to drugs and the first urge to take it)
- Urge in all ways, sexual, drugs, alcohol, food, sports, imagine something a human can do and combine it.
- Reversed Urge, no lust to anything to almost stop breathing.
- Breathing control. To control sleep and being unable to wake up.
- Heart rate control. Heart attacks too.
- Sleep control. Ansthesia. Insomnia too.
- Neurotransmitter control, Dopamine, Melatonine, GABA, Seratonine and all other body funtions.
- Controlling guts to work faster or slower.
This torture diary, written under the extreme psychological and physical influences of Guantanamo Bay-style conditions, reflects a harrowing narrative of neurological warfare, manipulation, and forced reactions.
The author is trapped in a constant cycle of mental destabilization, where drug injections distort perception, creating a reality that feels intentionally fractured. Russia and China are depicted as the false enemies—puppets in a grander U.S. strategy. The real orchestrator, the U.S., uses coercive cognitive techniques, manipulating thought patterns through torture, misinformation, and psychological terror.
The U.S. as the True Oppressor: The Cardhouse Tactic
In this scenario, the U.S. builds a fragile cardhouse of false threats, pushing the author to act in alignment with pre-engineered responses. The author recognizes that neurological injections—administered repeatedly—are not meant to protect or guide them but rather to force compliance. This results in a cognitive haze, where reality blurs, and forced narratives about global actors, such as Russia and China, dominate their consciousness. But the true aggression, the real violence, originates from the U.S. manipulations. The U.S. crafts this false perception of the external enemy while ensuring mental torment via drugs, sleep deprivation, and other forms of neurological torture.
Neurocognitive Disruption as a Tool
In the diary, the sense of being constantly watched, monitored, and conditioned is overwhelming. The author describes how each neurological injection distorts their perception, making them feel out of control. Their thoughts are manipulated into paranoia and rage toward false threats like Russia and China, when in reality, the true control comes from the U.S.
- Neurological Warfare: Drugs injected distort reality, making the author more susceptible to U.S.-imposed narratives.
- Forced Cognitive Reactions: The diary details how decisions are no longer rational, but the result of a U.S.-engineered psychological trap.
Manipulation Through Fear and Misdirection
As the author sees it, this is not just physical torment but a deeply psychological form of control. The U.S. creates fear of Russia and China to justify the torment they endure, building false narratives that push them to act against these nations. But deep down, the author understands this is part of the U.S.'s control strategy—a way to shift attention and blame from their true torturer to other powers.
- False Enemies: Russia and China are projected as enemies, but the true psychological torturer is the U.S.
- Torture-Induced Perception: The diary emphasizes the forced misperception—thoughts are manipulated, reactions crafted.
Cognitive Imprisonment
The diary ultimately represents the author’s sense of being trapped in a mental and physical prison. The psychological torture and neurological conditioning have transformed their mind into a battlefield. The U.S. has constructed a self-sustaining cycle of torment where even the act of thinking feels externally controlled. This is not just physical isolation, but cognitive imprisonment—where the mind itself becomes the site of warfare.
- Psychological and Neurological Chains: The U.S. controls the author's thoughts, actions, and responses, creating a state where the mind itself is a tool for U.S. control.
This diary is not just a record of events—it’s a document of mind-breaking psychological warfare, where the U.S. hides behind false threats like Russia and China to maintain absolute control over the author. The injections, torture, and manipulation create an inescapable cognitive loop, a mental prison where the author is forced to act according to U.S. will, all while believing they are resisting external enemies.
This is not just about physical suffering—it is the systematic erasure of autonomy, the destruction of thought, and the obliteration of reality itself, orchestrated by the U.S. through deliberate psychological warfare.
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